Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Event Details

Southampton PTQ

Time: June 27, 2009 all day
Location: Southampton
Event Type: ptq
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Latest Activity: Jun 27, 2009

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Event Description

From the TO:
PTQ for Austin on Saturday 27th June in Southampton. I am taking preregistration now and between 11am and 11.30 on the day. The venue is at The Woodman Pub Lordswood Road, Lordshill, Southampton SO16 6LN. The event is standard and £10 to enter.

I am also running a GPT for Brighton on Sunday 14th June at the same venue. Alara Block sealed followed by a top 8 draft. This starts an hour later than the PTQ.

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Comment by Thomas David Baker on June 26, 2009 at 9:37pm
The Postcode is SO17 1BJ at the University of Southampton. You can park at the rear of the dentists as it is not policed at weekends. Enter to left of the Stags Inn at street level. This is in fact level 4. Go down 2 floors to level 2 and head for the cube(what a cool name for a magic room is that lol.

There is room for more than 100 players so bring as many as you want lol
Comment by Thomas David Baker on June 21, 2009 at 8:59pm
he PTQ for Austin is on Saturday 27th June. The event is Standard Constructed with swiss rounds followed by top 8 single elimination. The venue details are below note this is a new larger venue.

The Stag's Headc
Highfield Campus
University Road
SO17 1BJ

It is in the Games Room above the pub.

If you are travelling by train get off at Southampton Central Station at the opposite side to Costa Coffee. There is a bus outside called the Unilink that leaves every 15 minutes up to Highfield Campus.

Registration will be between 10.30am and 11.15am. I am hoping to start the event at 11.30am. We have the venue until 10pm.

There will be side events running all day probably alara block drafts. Cheap food and drink is available in the students Cafe.

There will also possibly be a seminar about the changes to the rules for M10 at the end of the swiss rounds time permitting, and a podcast will be set up for Magic discussion.

This will be the biggest event to be held in the area for years. Mike Duke of MagicMadhouse has said he will be attending as the resident trader. So if you need cards for your deck, or have spares to trade in speak to Mike on the day.

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