Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

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i think you do start with 7.

even though you don't die to milling, wouldnt T1 tome scour be pretty stong?

if people are running ~7 lands, you have you have a pretty decent chance of decimating their manabase or leaving them no action left.

probably pretty bad against unearth tho

Ben Titmarsh said:
It doesn't mention anything on that page about hand size. Do you still draw 7 cards (i.e. half of your library!) at the beginning of a game?
Worked for me in Brum ;)

Dan Barrett said:
Excuses excuses...

LCQ and then borrow a t2 deck obv.

Thom Richardson said:
these side events look wicked.

who cares about Qing anyway.
draft LCQs is good times though

where is it going to be? there doesn't seem to be a location on that link
This has now been corrected to "The highest finishing player with an Extended or Standard legal deck and sideboard will receive £100."

Amar Dattani said:
I have a question. Shouldn't all the people in the Legacy with P9 in their decks be DQ'd from the tournament rather than being illegible for £100 prize :p


10:45 £10.00
Format Championship - 2010 Legacy Championship (Open)
Format: Legacy (Deck Registration Sheet required).
Legal Sets: All Magic: The Gathering card sets, any edition of the core set, and all promotional cards released by Wizards of the Coast.
Structure: Swiss tournament, with Top 8 Single Elimination playoff.
Additional Prize3: The winning player will receive £200, the 2nd place player will receive £100, 3rd and 4th places will receive £50.
The highest finishing player with no “Power 9” in their deck and sideboard will receive £100.
omg, byob.... I love you jason

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