Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Edit: If you want to participate in the first Demonic Tutor Constructed League please email your deck list by this Friday 14th August 2009 to ... all are welcome!

It turns out I suck at constructed (even more than limited). I probably need to actually play some competitive constructive more than once a year to get better.

So how about this? You know those pickup games of Standard that we play in between rounds or before 7pm or whenever. Let's instead turn them into a mildly competitive league with a little something at stake.

You would commit to a deck in a blind process, then play one match against everyone else in the league that you bump into for 6 weeks. Then at the end of that six weeks you score a small amount or zero perhaps for everyone you didn't manage to play and a final league table is established. You submit results to me and I'd keep a running league table either on this site or elsewhere on t'internet.

(There is also the possibility that we might get this sanctioned in some way but I don't know much about that.)

What do you think?

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If your name's not down, you're not getting in!

That Ginger One said:
Im not sure im playing steve, gonna be a cakewalk for you :)

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