Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

So the final idea is everyone submit the following amounts of cards to, he will then print them out, we should all probably contribute towards sleeving the beast.

6 cards of each colour
5 multicoloured cards (inc hybrids)
5 artifacts
5 lands
1 wildcard


I would also like idea's at to the best way to evolve the cube?

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how's it looking Simon, a few different idea's?

Yep certainly. 3 out of the 4 submissions are focusing on totally different things. 

sounds interesting, I suspected I might go "lone wolf" on this one, at least I held back a bit my initial list had some truly terrible cards in it just to fit the theme

Simon O'Keeffe said:

Yep certainly. 3 out of the 4 submissions are focusing on totally different things. 

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