Yesterday we got in drafts 3-6 of the Graveyard Cube. It's still very much a work in progress, in need of lots of cuts and possibly some additions if they are really good.
Cards that blew us away or were particularly effective yesterday were:
Some other gems that didn't take over games quite as much but certainly had their moments:
One thing I'm not sure about is power level. Twilight Shepherd dominated games that would have been different without her. There are various possible responses. 1. That's fine, she's a 6 drop. 2. Put in more answers. 3. Up the power level of the cube in general but cutting weaker cards. 4. Cut the more powerful cards. I'm leaning towards both (2) and (3) but I could definitely be convinced that a lower powered cube with no Survival of the Fittest is better.
A related question is difference. Another reason to possibly cut something like Survival is because it already has a home in power cubes. I'm inclined to leave in the powerful cards that already have a home elsewhere, though, because playing with powerful cards is fun. And obviously we only use the on-theme ones.
Another open question is color balance. Currently it is unbalanced but not terribly so, with B then G then U outsizing W and R but by less than 50%. I'm not sure if I should strive for color balance or not. One possibility is cutting R altogether, even W. But that seems a bit silly.
One thing that surprised me was that although there were a million reanimation cards, Martin's deck that reanimated Ancestor's Chosen was the only one that got off much in the way of meaningful reanimation all day. Although Kieran did reanimate Sun Titan once with Unburial Rites I think. This seems to be due to the lack of targets - there just aren't that many fatties. Should there be?
We came up with the following definite cuts:
Urborg Justice, Traveling Plague, Alms, Vision Charm, Dwan of the Dead, Planar Birth, Gaze of Justice, Argivian Find, Argivian Restoration, Funeral Pyre, Woodland Sleuth, Doomsday, Restless Dreams, Thermal Blast, Shaman's Trance, Nefarious Lich, Chlorophant, Charmed Pendant.
We also think we are probably going to cut these:
Barrow Ghoul, Rotting Giant, Krosan Avenger, Childhood Horror, Divine Sacrament, Chandra Ablaze, Demoralize, Tainted Field, Tainted Isle, Tainted Peak, Tainted Wood, Shattered Crypt, Forcemage Advocate, Nullmage Advocate, Pulsemage Advocate, Shieldmage Advocate, Spurnmage Advocate.
We probably need a lot more cuts than that!
We also came up with some possible additions (not that we need them!):
Shriekmaw, Mulldrifter, Spitebellows, possibly other Evoke creatures, Logic Knot, Shelldock Isle, Tombstalker, Liliana Vess, Liliana of the Veil, Lord of Extinction, Visions of Beyond, Ravnica shocklands
You can see the complete cube with definite cuts removed here:
The card list is:
White Creatures
Mystic Penitent, Spurnmage Advocate, Tireless Tribe, Avenger en-Dal, Disciple of Grace, Disciple of Law, Jötun Grunt, Mystic Familiar, Mystic Visionary, Patrol Hound, Soul Shepherd, Thraben Heretic, Auramancer, Hallowed Healer, Icatian Crier, Mystic Crusader, Nomad Decoy, Order of Whiteclay, Pulsemage Advocate, Reborn Hero, Shieldmage Advocate, Shinen of Stars' Light, Stonecloaker, Vigilant Sentry, Battlewise Aven, Goldmeadow Lookout, Mistmoon Griffin, Mystic Zealot, Possessed Nomad, Resilient Wanderer, Teroh's Vanguard, Glory, Karmic Guide, Mageta the Lion, Petra Sphinx, Reveillark, Selfless Exorcist, Dearly Departed, Sun Titan, Twilight Shepherd, Wayward Angel, Ancestor's Chosen, Eternal Dragon, Yoked Plowbeast, Silver Seraph, Reya Dawnbringer
W Non-Creatures
Kirtar's Desire, Strength of Isolation, Divine Sacrament, Solitary Confinement, Spirit Cairn, Marshal's Anthem, Pegasus Refuge, Pull from Eternity, Feeling of Dread, Momentary Blink, Ray of Revelation, Vengeful Dreams, Embolden, Prismatic Strands, Radiant's Judgment, Rally the Peasants, Ray of Distortion, Spirit Flare, Gleam of Resistance, Miraculous Recovery, Morningtide, Lingering Souls, Marshaling Cry, Battle Screech, Breath of Life, Cenn's Enlistment, Divine Reckoning, False Defeat, Resurrection, Increasing Devotion, Akroma's Vengeance, Decree of Justice, Kirtar's Wrath, Archangel's Light
Blue Creatures
Cathartic Adept, Drowner Initiate, Hedron Crab, Screeching Sliver, Trickster Mage, Cephalid Illusionist, Cephalid Vandal, Deranged Assistant, Ertai's Familiar, Merfolk Mesmerist, Mindshrieker, Overtaker, Screeching Skaab, Snapcaster Mage, Waterfront Bouncer, Ambassador Laquatus, Armored Skaab, Brackwater Elemental, Headless Skaab, Kathari Screecher, Laboratory Maniac, Selhoff Occultist, Skaab Ruinator, Stitched Drake, Stronghold Biologist, Stronghold Machinist, Volrath's Shapeshifter, Cephalid Sage, Dreamborn Muse, Fatestitcher, Havengul Runebinder, Hisoka, Minamo Sensei, Makeshift Mauler, Possessed Aven, Rummaging Wizard, Soratami Mindsweeper, Thalakos Drifters, Tower Geist, Undead Alchemist, Vedalken Entrancer, Wonder, Body Double, Cephalid Aristocrat, Mirror-Mad Phantasm, Mnemonic Wall, Relentless Skaabs, River Kelpie, Saprazzan Breaker, Scrivener, Geralf's Mindcrusher, Skaab Goliath, Chancellor of the Spires, Sphinx of Uthuun, Kederekt Leviathan
Blue Non-Creatures
Compulsion, Lost in Thought, Pedantic Learning, Curse of the Bloody Tome, Secrets of the Dead, Think Tank, Web of Inertia, Back from the Brink, Dream Twist, Mental Note, Obsessive Search, Ray of Erasure, Saving Grasp, Thought Scour, Brain Freeze, False Memories, Grip of Amnesia, Laquatus's Disdain, Predict, Syncopate, Think Twice, Cackling Counterpart, Circular Logic, Dissipate, Flash of Insight, Forbidden Alchemy, Intuition, Liquify, Murmurs from Beyond, Oona's Grace, Fact or Fiction, Gifts Ungiven, Mystical Teachings, Archive Trap, Fervent Denial, Silent Departure, Tome Scour, Increasing Confusion, Paradigm Shift, Quiet Speculation, Bamboozle, Call to Mind, Relearn, Runic Repetition, Sage's Knowledge, Deep Analysis, Dematerialize, Grasp of Phantoms, Mystic Retrieval, Traumatize, Tunnel Vision
B Creatures
Carrion Rats, Circling Vultures, Gravecrawler, Apprentice Necromancer, Barrow Ghoul, Bloodcurdler, Bloodghast, Crypt Creeper, Golgari Thug, Nether Traitor, Plague Witch, Reassembling Skeleton, Rotting Giant, Rotting Rats, Skirk Ridge Exhumer, Big Game Hunter, Bog Witch, Bone Dancer, Cabal Torturer, Doomed Necromancer, Fledgling Imp, Ghoulraiser, Gravegouger, Infected Vermin, Lord of the Undead, Morgue Thrull, Necroplasm, Organ Grinder, Stinkweed Imp, Treacherous Werewolf, Trespasser il-Vec, Unbreathing Horde, Undead Gladiator, Zombie Scavengers, Balthor the Defiled, Body Snatcher, Brain Gorgers, Childhood Horror, Dirty Wererat, Famished Ghoul, Filth, Gloomdrifter, Gravedigger, Hell's Caretaker, Ichorid, Mortivore, Nightshade Assassin, Notorious Assassin, Painbringer, Sewer Nemesis, Viscera Dragger, Carrion Wurm, Chainer, Dementia Master, Corpse Connoisseur, Gorgon Recluse, Grotesque Hybrid, Guiltfeeder, Masked Gorgon, Muck Drubb, Repentant Vampire, Treacherous Vampire, Vengeful Pharaoh, Cabal Patriarch, Extractor Demon, Grixis Slavedriver, Sheoldred, Whispering One, Avatar of Woe, Scion of Darkness
B Non-Creatures
Strength of Lunacy, Gravestorm, Malevolent Awakening, Mortiphobia, Diabolic Servitude, Patriarch's Desire, Strands of Night, Screams of the Damned, Traveling Plague, Yawgmoth's Agenda, Darkblast, Entomb, Ghastly Demise, Skeletal Scrying, Toxic Stench, Corpse Lunge, Gravepurge, Strangling Soot, Makeshift Mannequin, Cruel Revival, Moonlight Bargain, Betrayal of Flesh, Dark Withering, Spinning Darkness, Cabal Therapy, Deadly Allure, Raven's Crime, Skull Fracture, Unearth, Chainer's Edict, Disturbed Burial, Grim Discovery, Morgue Theft, Stir the Grave, Stitch Together, Buried Alive, Crippling Fatigue, Dead Reckoning, Ichor Slick, Rancid Earth, Reap the Seagraf, Recover, Syphon Life, Yawgmoth's Will, Dread Return, Moan of the Unhallowed, Sever the Bloodline, Zombify, Beacon of Unrest, Brainspoil, Increasing Ambition, Unburial Rites, Morbid Hunger, Zombie Apocalypse, Army of the Damned
Red Creatures
Grim Lavamancer, Kris Mage, Mogg Fanatic, Hellspark Elemental, Keldon Marauders, Mad Dog, Mogg War Marshal, Sell-Sword Brute, Arc Mage, Chandra's Phoenix, Countryside Crusher, Flowstone Channeler, Ghost-Lit Raider, Hell's Thunder, Jaya Ballard, Task Mage, Shinen of Fury's Fire, Sparkspitter, Squee, Goblin Nabob, Vithian Stinger, Anger, Chainflinger, Fledgling Dragon, Magnivore, Pardic Arsonist, Possessed Barbarian, Seismic Mage, Anarchist, Magma Phoenix, Reckless Wurm, Scourge Devil, Shard Phoenix, Charmbreaker Devils, Flayer of the Hatebound, Skarrgan Firebird, Ridge Rannet
Red Non-Creatures
Burning Vengeance, Knollspine Invocation, Land's Edge, Seismic Assault, Engulfing Flames, Geistflame, Lava Dart, Lightning Axe, Ancient Grudge, Burning Oil, Desperate Ravings, Harvest Pyre, Increasing Vengeance, Punishing Fire, Demoralize, Fiery Temper, Fires of Undeath, Violent Eruption, Fiery Fall, Chandra Ablaze, Faithless Looting, Firebolt, Flame Jab, Reckless Charge, Book Burning, Recoup, Scorched Earth, Song of Blood, Volcanic Spray, Conflagrate, Firecat Blitz, Hammer of Bogardan, Rolling Temblor, Shattered Perception, Wheel of Fortune, Earth Rift, Flameshot, Past in Flames, Rekindled Flame, Seize the Day, Epicenter, Lightning Surge, Shower of Coals
Green Creatures
Basking Rootwalla, Diligent Farmhand, Greenseeker, Groundskeeper, Llanowar Mentor, Nimble Mongoose, Stampede Driver, Boneyard Wurm, Dawnstrider, Deepwood Drummer, Fauna Shaman, Forcemage Advocate, Hermit Druid, Nantuko Tracer, Seton's Scout, Silverglade Pathfinder, Sylvan Hierophant, Tarmogoyf, Werebear, Wild Mongrel, Anurid Barkripper, Anurid Scavenger, Avenging Druid, Cartographer, Eternal Witness, Golgari Brownscale, Krosan Avenger, Krosan Restorer, Nantuko Blightcutter, Nullmage Advocate, Splinterfright, Terravore, Tilling Treefolk, Brawn, Centaur Chieftain, Gamekeeper, Greater Mossdog, Krosan Beast, Masked Admirers, Nantuko Calmer, Possessed Centaur, Springing Tiger, Vengevine, Zoologist, Arrogant Wurm, Genesis, Golgari Grave-Troll, Gorilla Titan, Gurzigost, Kessig Cagebreakers, Metamorphic Wurm, Crashing Centaur, Deadwood Treefolk, Nut Collector, Krosan Tusker, Moldgraf Monstrosity, Ghoultree
Green Non-Creatures
Wreath of Geists, Exoskeletal Armor, Ground Seal, Oath of Druids, Survival of the Fittest, Bearscape, Holistic Wisdom, Moldervine Cloak, Narcissism, Seton's Desire, Call of the Wild, Foster, Blossoming Wreath, Noxious Revival, Reclaim, Thrill of the Hunt, Howling Gale, Krosan Reclamation, Moment's Peace, Sylvan Might, Gnaw to the Bone, Realms Uncharted, Wild Hunger, Elephant Ambush, Beast Attack, Chatter of the Squirrel, Dwell on the Past, Piper's Melody, Gaea's Blessing, Life from the Loam, Mulch, Nature's Spiral, Nostalgic Dreams, Regrowth, Revive, Rites of Spring, Tracker's Instincts, Travel Preparations, Deep Reconnaissance, Far Wanderings, Recollect, Acorn Harvest, Beast Hunt, Increasing Savagery, Invigorating Falls, Monstrify, Nature's Resurgence, All Suns' Dawn, Creeping Renaissance, Grizzly Fate, Parallel Evolution, Restock, Savage Conception, Spider Spawning, Grim Flowering, Roar of the Wurm, Praetor's Counsel
Multicolored Creatures
Psychatog, Havengul Lich, Nemesis of Reason, Szadek, Lord of Secrets, Kathari Bomber, Shambling Remains, Jund Sojourners, Shambling Shell, Grave-Shell Scarab, Izzet Chronarch, Knight of the Reliquary, Pale Recluse, Wood Sage, Valley Rannet
Multicolored Non-Creatures
Reviving Vapors, Beckon Apparition, Lurking Informant, Memory Sluice, Glimpse the Unthinkable, Psychic Drain, Torrent of Souls, Worm Harvest, Waves of Aggression, Rakdos Guildmage, Nucklavee, Call the Skybreaker, Nature's Blessing, Mystic Enforcer, Vigean Intuition, Spitting Image, Impromptu Raid, Vengeful Rebirth
Millikin, Molten-Tail Masticore, Lodestone Bauble, Mox Diamond, Conjurer's Bauble, Darkwater Egg, Elixir of Immortality, Elixir of Immortality, Grindstone, Horizon Spellbomb, Mossfire Egg, Phyrexian Furnace, Shadowblood Egg, Shriekhorn, Skycloud Egg, Sungrass Egg, Terrarion, Cellar Door, Grindclock, Mesmeric Orb, Millstone, Soldevi Digger, Wand of Denial, Altar of the Lost, Crucible of Worlds, Trepanation Blade, Whetstone, Bonehoard, Grimoire of the Dead, Thought Dissector, Thran Tome, Whetwheel, Keening Stone
Academy Ruins, Arid Mesa, Barbarian Ring, Barren Moor, Blasted Landscape, Bloodstained Mire, Cabal Pit, Centaur Garden, Cephalid Coliseum, Dakmor Salvage, Darkwater Catacombs, Drifting Meadow, Duskmantle, House of Shadow, Evolving Wilds, Flooded Strand, Forgotten Cave, Gemstone Mine, Ghost Quarter, Haunted Fengraf, Horizon Canopy, Horizon Canopy, Krosan Verge, Lonely Sandbar, Lotus Vale, Marsh Flats, Misty Rainforest, Moorland Haunt, Mossfire Valley, Nantuko Monastery, Nephalia Drownyard, Nomad Stadium, Petrified Field, Polluted Delta, Polluted Mire, Remote Isle, Riftstone Portal, Scalding Tarn, Scorched Ruins, Secluded Steppe, Shadowblood Ridge, Shimmering Grotto, Skycloud Expanse, Slippery Karst, Smoldering Crater, Strip Mine, Sungrass Prairie, Svogthos, the Restless Tomb, Tainted Field, Tainted Isle, Tainted Peak, Tainted Wood, Tectonic Edge, Tranquil Thicket, Unholy Grotto, Verdant Catacombs, Volrath's Stronghold, Wasteland, Windswept Heath, Wooded Foothills
What do you think about color balance, power level and individual card choices, or anything else?
Final cuts were: Psychotic Haze, Restless Dreams, Shieldmage Advocate, Ray of Distortion, Bamboozle, Barrow Ghoul, Shattered Crypt, Argivian Restoration, Argivian Find, Woodland Sleuth, Funeral Pyre, Deadly Allure, Soldevi Digger, Howling Gale, Gravestorm, Ray of Erasure, Doomsday, Urborg Justice, Alms, Vision Charm, Dawn of the Dead, Planar Birth, Gaze of Justice, Thermal Blast, Shaman's Trance, Nefarious Lich, Chlorophant, Charmed Pendant, Frightcrawler, Sutured Ghoul, Traveling Plague, Demoralize, Exoskeletal Armor, Wreath of Geists, Seton's Desire, Ray of Revelation, Carrion Wurm, Rotting Giant, Wand of Denial, Piper's Melody, Academy Ruins, Treacherous Vampire, Cephalid Vandal
Current composition:
W: 49 Creatures, 37 Non-Creatures
U: 62 Creatures, 58 Non-Creatures
B: 75 Creatures, 59 Non-Creatures
R: 42 Creatures, 50 Non-Creatures
G: 65 Creatures, 59 Non-Creatures
32 (Non-Creature) Artifacts
58 Lands
Need to cut some non-Creatures!
© 2025 Created by Thomas David Baker.
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