Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Now, let’s take a look to a similar yet different scenario. I control an untapped Howling Mine and it is my opponent’s draw step. He
draws one card and plays a land. That land entering the battlefield
surely means we have moved to his first main phase, effectively missing
the Howling Mine’s trigger. My opponent misses the trigger that affects
him, but I am the one controlling the trigger.

What now? Whose mistake is this?

Again, this is like the Path to Exile example. There is an effect - the Howling Mine trigger - controlled by one player that makes his opponent take an action, to draw a card; the difference here
is that the trigger on the stack is “invisible” to your opponent, unlike
the Path to Exile spell on the stack, represented by an actual card.

Sure, but what do I need to do here?

The same as with the Path to Exile scenario: remind your opponent about the Howling Mine trigger, and make sure he does draw the
extra card. You are responsible for the effects your own cards generate,
even though these effects don’t affect you.

Does this mean I have to represent the trigger?

Ideally, yes. Most likely a quick reminder at the beginning of each turn will do. And once again, both players share equal responsibility, and
both receive the main penalty instead of Failure to Maintain Game State
if a mistake happens, so if your opponent plays a land just tell him to
draw the card off the Mine. Once more, please don’t call a judge here to
try to fish a penalty for your opponent.

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Royde directly inspires DCI rule change. You read it here first.

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