Hi all. Here is the schedule for OP in Reading's Eclectic Games for January 2010. We're straight over the road from Reading train station.
If you have any queries about these events, please drop me an email: savia dot wanderer at gmail dot com.
When: 7PM-11ish each Wednesday
6th Jan: Zendikar Block Constructed
13th: ZenZenZen booster draft
20th & 27th: Standard
Prizes: 1.5 boosters/player at event, 4 FNM cards
GPT Madrid
When: Sunday 24th. Doors open 10, tournament starts at 11.
Format: Legacy
Prizes: Flight and 3rd round bye for GP Madrid for the winner. Booster prizes based on attendance.
HJ: David Lyford-Smith
Worldwake prereleases
When: Sat & Sun 30th - 31st
Format: Prerelease sealed deck
Prizes: WWK boosters based on attendance.