Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

I'm playing Legacy Enchantress... I have 2 plains, 1 forest, serra's sanctum, Mirri's Guile & aura of silence in play.  My opponent is on 18 life and activates Jace TMS ultimate ability.  I have two spells (no land) in hand and manage to pull out the win!  Anyone care to guess how?  For those unfamiliar with the deck, here is a sample decklist that is similar enough to mine...

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I can't work out how you cast Open the Vaults with 5 mana or how you won if you didn't cast Open the Vaults on your next turn.
Mirri's Guile grabs Words of War, funnel mana into it and never have to draw?
Tom I don't actually run OtV so I guess thats a bit of a red herring. Pretty close Louis. The two cards were Utopia Sprawl and Words of War...................

So Jace TMS makes me put these two on top of my library and exiles everything else. I draw and cast Utopia Sprawl to allow my forest to tap for red mana. Next turn I draw and cast Words of War then proceed to deal two a turn to his face while preventing myself from drawing. Despite having Top and Fetchlands he doesn't find an answer or a win condition in 10 turns!

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