Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

I would really like to get some practice in for London which is imminent.  Sealed deck is fine, but draft is probably better.  (I'm totally going to day 2, right? :P)

I remember one year at Aus Nationals, talking to some interstate friends about practicing the new draft format

Them: "How many practice drafts did you do?"

Me: "Only managed about 3 or 4.  You?"

Them: "About 20."

You can imagine how well they did compared to me.  I don't to be the "4" guy this time.  I want to be the "20" guy.

So if anyone else wants to be the 20 guy, and not suck in 10 days time, make yourself known.

I have all day Saturday and Sunday free, which in theory could be sealed deck release events if noone wants to organize drafts.  But yeah.  Draft good.  If there was a chance to buy some boxes and draft like crazy on Sunday, I'd be all over that.

edit: I have 4 boosters (in french) available for drafts this week, but I'm not available Wed or Fri.

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I had the same thought, hence playing team event way more fun

Levi Hinz said:

Wtf?  This GPT is for Verona?  Lame.

Yeah I'm thinking Trios too, if my team wants to show up.

Would have been cool if the top 2 in teams got to team draft for winner.

Although there's nothing stopping them from doing that with winnings.

very true man, I don't think it will be us as we will be drinking throughout the day

Levi Hinz said:

Yeah I'm thinking Trios too, if my team wants to show up.

Would have been cool if the top 2 in teams got to team draft for winner.

Although there's nothing stopping them from doing that with winnings.

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