Time: March 6, 2010 all day
Location: Southampton University
Street: University Road
City/Town: Southampton SO17 1BJ
Phone: 07954383936
Event Type: standard, constructed
Organized By: Graham Theobalds
Latest Activity: Mar 1, 2010
To be held at the society room of the University of Southampton on Saturday 6th March. Entry is £7. The tournament is standard constructed with swiss rounds with a cut to single elimination rounds.
The top 8 players after the Swiss rounds will advance to the single-elimination finals. In the case of an event with 16 players or less, the Swiss rounds will be followed by a cut to top 4. Where necessary, the standings after the Swiss rounds will be used to determine final order in the standings.
In the case of an event with exactly 8 players, there will be three Swiss rounds with no single-elimination cut.
All participants receive a Hada Freeblade promo card. The top 8 players each receive an exclusive Kalastria Highborn full-art promo card. This is Foil. The cards are awarded to the Top 8 players even if the tournament cuts only to the top 4.
Selected top 8 decks and all Game Day winners will also be featured on magicthegathering.com.
Preregistration by email at boomerangguy@hotmail.com or just turn up on the day. Doors open 11.30am
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