Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

I'm free all Saturday or from 10.30am until late afternoon on Sunday. Anyone up for it?

RTR or cubes in Penderel's Oak in Holborn.

My printer is out of black ink so if we want "Kieran Cube" someone else will have to print it and bring it (approx 40 pages A4) but I have Graveyard, Towerfall, normal cube, combo cube, zillions of RTR and other boosters.

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Unfortunately I'm busy and can't make it, which is a pain as I wanted to find out what Kieran cube was...

Well, I am free tomorrow if you want to do that instead/as well.  I can test it on you before letting it loose on Kieran!

Tomorrow sounds good if people are up for it! (butting in here. . .)

Sounds good Louis.  Any other takers?

I'll check this in the morning ...

I would like to play some vintage, should be able to get some other people interested if someone wants to proxy up a deck or so? might want to play modern/standard as well : o 

Last time most people brought Vintage decks.  I have a couple.  They are a little old but perfectly playable.

Probably in, one way or another.

hey hey, i am game for today

We have, I think, 5 for 1.30pm, 7 for 3pm RTR draft today.

Come along if you see this later!

We got 9.  Good show folks.  Congrats Louis for the 8-1 in the draft.

any thoughts re: the inaugural KIERAN CUBE draft?

Paul N made a prison-mill deck which entirely locked the opponent out of the game.  There was some debate about whether this could be considered fun or not.  Louis misread Coalition Victory but still managed to make an exceedingly consistent 5-color tokens deck.  I made a deck that cheated Bringers and Rune-Scarred Demon into play but the format was slow enough I hard cast more often than I cheated them in, so that might need some work.  I didn't play against Paul Y so I'm not sure what his deck did.  Although there are interesting decks that can be made because you are picking "underpowered" cards there's definitely a sense of disappointment hanging over the draft.  "Gah which of these terrible cards do I want?"  Needs some work.

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