Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Hey guys, is finally available!  I'd really appreciate it if you guys could check it out, have a play around and let me know what you think.  You can use the site in one of two ways:

1. Submit your own MODO drafts, instructions are here:

If you choose to do this, your draft will be available for rating by the rest of the community.

2. Critique other peoples drafts.  On a pick-by-pick basis you can decide if you agree or disgaree.  This will cause the pick to get a rating, modify the overall draft rating and modify the members overall rating.

If you don't want to do either of these, then feel free to just check it out and read the draft recaps.  However, signing up will literally take 30 seconds of your time, no email confirmations or anything painful like that, just the basic details.  Register here:

While using the site, if you get an error page, then the problem will be automatically flagged with me.  For all other issues, cosmetic, usability, suggestions etc then please leave me a message here or send me an email:

I'm hoping to build up a bit of a community of contributors and critics.  So to kick it all off, I've submitted a couple of my own drafts.  Please head over to and let me know what you think.  I look forward to your comments!

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Ok well this should be resolved when comments are supported properly on agrees rather than using the workaround that you've figured out Kieran! Would be really nice to get to the bottom of the double post thing...

Kieran Symington said:
Not sure what's going on, but I've posted twice on two picks now, and it keeps adding random previous comments I've made to the comment box (which doesn't help when I select agree because it then posts an unrelated comment without me being able to see it first).

Ben Titmarsh said:
Put a new draft up this morning, go check it out.

Just so you guys are aware, I consider the current phase very much beta testing. Once all the initial bugs have been ironed out, i'm going to go on a publicity drive. While the site only has a handful of members at the moment, I'd really appreciate you guys visiting as often as you can, using the site and providing feedback. Then when time comes for the big public launch hopefully it'll all be running smoothly.
i can only comment when i disagree with a pick - if i agree it wont let me say why. great program though. i will waste a lot of time with this. will post a draft later today. third pick nissa is a little odd!
My initial thought was that people would only want to comment on a disagree, but from feedback I can see this is bullshit. The next build (going up early next week hopefully) will fix this. In the mean time, Kieran has figured out that if you initially select disgaree, write a comment then change to agree you will get to comment on agrees.

ross miles said:
i can only comment when i disagree with a pick - if i agree it wont let me say why. great program though. i will waste a lot of time with this. will post a draft later today. third pick nissa is a little odd!
How would I submit a draft file not from MTGO? Say if I fancied annoying everyone during a draft at the games club by writing down all my packs?
i just got a big error screne but that means you should get it too right?
Kieran - The file that is produced by MODO is a simple text file listing each card in each pack, and the one you chose. If you wanted to write everything down then it could be done, but it would certainly be an arduous process! Personally, i'd just invest the $15 and do a modo draft to save yourself the time.

Ross - Were you trying to add a comment to a draft when this happened? I've got a database error saying that the comment couldn't be inserted, but it's difficult to see why. Is it possible that you had a weird character like a ~ or something in there? Error reporting isn't great at the moment, might modify it to allow users to tell me what they were doing when the problem occurred.
i have just commented on a draft and had written a comment in the final box. can't remeber what i put in terms of characters. then i clicked add posts and it went to an error screne

Ben Titmarsh said:
Kieran - The file that is produced by MODO is a simple text file listing each card in each pack, and the one you chose. If you wanted to write everything down then it could be done, but it would certainly be an arduous process! Personally, i'd just invest the $15 and do a modo draft to save yourself the time.

Ross - Were you trying to add a comment to a draft when this happened? I've got a database error saying that the comment couldn't be inserted, but it's difficult to see why. Is it possible that you had a weird character like a ~ or something in there? Error reporting isn't great at the moment, might modify it to allow users to tell me what they were doing when the problem occurred.
Kieran you could do that, u need to take get a draft which is formatted like the MTGO output, then modify all the bits you wanna add like the pick and also any potential picks. You can then submit it like any modo draft, and I have checked u can have 2 cards for first pick so just note down what u want reviewed.

Oh and Ben, u gonna add a check for 64 man/PE draft. They will go up just checked, so with the WWK ones coming up maybe people would like to see em?
This looks awesome, I'll upload the next time I draft (probably post-WWK when it'll be interesting again anyway)
A new version will be up in the next 30 minutes with the following bug fixes:

* Should no longer be possible to accidentally submit the same pick opinion twice
* Pick Comments are sorted chronologically, newest at the top
* Draft Comments are sorted chronologically, newest at the bottom
* Comment on agree added
* Pick comment length double to 90 characters.
* Advisory text changed from red to green (as opposed to gives strange results.

"Please LOGIN to post an opinion" should link to login screen (with redirect to this page after successful login).

I wonder if you should hide their pick from you until you choose what yours would have been? Possibly more annoying than good.

I seem to get "You may only post one opinion per pick" sometimes when I feel like I haven't voted yet. May be fat fingering it will try and come up with steps to repro. EDIT: it's definitely saying immediately after I vote for the first time on each pick now. Not sure why.
I was thinking about putting a link into the Login text, but I don't actually have a login page, not sure if it is worth creating one for this? I'll add it to my list

'You may only post one opinion per pick' should be displayed directly after you first vote to stop you from submmitting two opinions per pick.

Need to sort out this stuff, thanks for noticing that.

Thomas David Baker said: (as opposed to gives strange results.

"Please LOGIN to post an opinion" should link to login screen (with redirect to this page after successful login).

I wonder if you should hide their pick from you until you choose what yours would have been? Possibly more annoying than good.

I seem to get "You may only post one opinion per pick" sometimes when I feel like I haven't voted yet. May be fat fingering it will try and come up with steps to repro. EDIT: it's definitely saying immediately after I vote for the first time on each pick now. Not sure why.

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