Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

We are doing this in our Multiverse app:

(Old shared Google spreadsheet for this is here: )

Channel Fireball just did Top 8 Mechanics:

* Retrace

* Dredge

* Landfall (not for attacking like Steppe Lynx - Grazing Gladehart and Roil Elemental style)

* Scry

* Flashback

* Kicker

* Flying

* Cycling

I wonder if we could use that, or some of that, as the basis of You Make the Set 5.  I know that some of you were keen on Landfall.

Not sure when we would play it out but some time in late May probably?

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Sure, any specific candidates you want to put on the chopping block?

It might be worth trying to fix some instead of just removing immediately.

If we want to stick to the kind of ratios I mentioned at the start of the thread, there is room for about 40 rares/mythics. We currently have 44 split along the following colour lines:

White: 8

Blue: 5

Black: 12

Red: 8

Green: 5

Other: 6

Thomas David Baker said:

One thing I want to add is that rares are fun to design but not at all fun to play (against).  Build-around-me rares that do something weird are welcome.  Megabombs are not.  Note: I am as guilty as anyone at designing meagbombs ... but let's just cut them all mercilessly?

Should we have a series of "hero's" or "keeper's" for each tower? 

I added feedback/voting buttons on the top of the card dialog.  Contrary to Facebook etc. I included a negative vote as well as a positive vote - if it proves to be contentious I can remove it.  Not 1000% sure what we'll do with these yet but I know I am tempted to post "like this!" on lots of cards and this seems a better way to do it.

pretty sure there's a cycle of mythics that embody the current state of each tower. I'm thinking something splashy with a big on theme on-cast trigger. Could also have a cycle of rares, maybe similar to the lorwyn lieges with all creatures of [colour] get +1/+1 and [Unite] all creatures of [colour] get [ability]?

Glenn Goldsworthy said:

Should we have a series of "hero's" or "keeper's" for each tower? 

Simon - Keywords are now on the stats page

I hardcoded the list from Wikipedia with Portent and Unite added in for now.  It's completely crude and just triggers off the rules text.  It's trivial to add more to the list - let me know if you want anything added.

Thanks Tom. Both awesome new features, and useful too. I can see we only have 1 creature with reach, and that is conditional!

With regards to the feedback buttons I went through and did a load, then afterwards wondered how I would know what I rated/not-rated. 

Went to try the rating thing - it would be miles better if we could scroll through the cards from the card viewer!

Simon - I added Likes and Dislikes to profiles and one's profile is now linked from the menu.

Kieran - You mean if you could like/dislike from the list page without having to click in?

This too, but I really meant if I open the first card, I should be able to move on to the next in order without having to come out of the card. Would help a lot if I want to put a comment in as well.

Thomas David Baker said:

Simon - I added Likes and Dislikes to profiles and one's profile is now linked from the menu.

Kieran - You mean if you could like/dislike from the list page without having to click in?

It would be pretty good to see which of your own cards are being liked and disliked as well - it would help when making new ones. Names should probably be withheld though as if I find out it's the same person disliking all my cards it could trigger a revenge attack...

Playtesting.  I really think some Cockatrice (preferably) or MWS-based Sealed might be the thing to do to get a feel for some of these cards and weed out a few broken ones or something.  I was reading that R&D start with Sealed and move on to draft later.

Anyone want a Sealed pool from the current cards?

(Refreshing or navigating away loses your pool ...)

Boosters are accounted for but not foils or print runs :)

My first deck!

A creature-light UWr affair sporting a Conclave supported by 6 Wizards and both Chaplain-General and Searing Meditation supported by Soulwatch Guardian and Blessed Knowledge with both Solemn and Soulful Offering out of the sideboard if I see any targets.  Is Enchantment hate maindeckable in this format?

I should probably be playing B for double The Pointy Stick and a Corrupt Seer among other gems.  That would let me up my Wizard count significantly, too, and play the emergency-banned Doom Foretold!


2: Soulwatch Guardian
Anara Armorer
3: Wizard Friend
Aether Adept
Wild Loremaster
4: Anara Falconer
Hissing Conspirator
5: Chaplain-General
6: Deepwater Grasper

1: Ruminate
Mystic Speculation
2: Icy Ground
3: Blessed Knowledge
Searing Meditation
Flames of the Bloodhand
Flames of the Bloodhand
4: Hot Under the Collar
Rampart Ravens
5: Conclave

7 Plains
7 Island
2 Mountain
1 Dazzling Grotto

Soulful Offering
Solemn Offering

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