Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

M10 Core Set Launch and Monthly Single Elimination Challenge

Event Details

M10 Core Set Launch and Monthly Single Elimination Challenge

Time: July 18, 2009 from 11am to 11pm
Location: London
Street: County Hotel, Upper Woburn Place
City/Town: London
Website or Map:…
Event Type: release
Organized By: Jason Howlett
Latest Activity: Jul 17, 2009

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Event Description

M10 Core Set Launch Party

90 Players
Limited: Sealed Deck
Product: 6 x Magic: The Gathering 2010 Core Set Boosters
Swiss Style Pairings
REL: Regular
K-Value: 16
Computer Moderated (DCI Reporter v3)



M:TG 2010 Core Set Launch Party card for all participants (whilst stocks last)

1 x Ant Queen alternate art promo cards per player (whilst stocks last)
2 x Magic: The Gathering 2010 Core Set Boosters per player

Limited: Booster Draft (8 players, single elimination)
Product: 1 x Shards of Alara Booster + 1 x Conflux Booster + 1 x Alara Reborn Booster
Product: 3 x Magic: The Gathering 2010 Core Set Boosters
Entrance Fee: £12.00
Prize: 12 x Alara Reborn Boosters (5 - 3 - 2 - 2)
Prize: 12 x Magic: The Gathering 2010 Core Set Boosters

Single Elimination Challenge

In The Games Club Monthly: Single Elimination Challenge, you only pay an entrance fee of £10.00 for the first flight and then each additional flight is FREE. You have the option to modify your deck or even change format each time you enter a new flight.

Each flight will contain 8 players and will be run as a Single Elimination tournament. Players are allowed to modify their deck or even completely change deck or format before their next tournament begins.

The best performing players at the end of day will receive Boosters from the end of day prize pool of 3 x Alara Reborn boosters per player.

Each flight will also count towards the Magic Player Rewards program operated by Wizards of the Coast, where for every 5 tournaments, you receive 2 random token cards; and for every 20 tournaments, you receive a premium card, currently an Alternative Artwork Cryptic Command. Go to the Magic Player Rewards homepage ( for further details and to sign up now.

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Comment by Dan Barrett on July 15, 2009 at 10:19am
Sadly i have to go back to Bedford for the first time in 5 months :(

But do let me know what beats what in the elimination - seems like a great testing ground!

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