Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

What sites do you read/rate highly? I seem to wade through a lot of mediocre material in my feed reader but some gems also.

Star City is obviously the best although of varying quality. Olivier Ruel is great. Also Chapin. I can live without the multiplayer/casual articles (not my scene) and some of the others.

The Starkington Post is the next best on my list.

MaRo is the only thing on dailymtg that consistently interests me but most of the other artciles throw up something every so often. I quite liked that artifact deck this morning.

Channel Fireball seems to be all about videos which is pretty low bandwidth compared to articles. Some of the articles that are on there are good. Same problem but in spades with

MTG Salvation spolier is a must.

Five with Flores is something I only added recently. It seems well written but I haven't made a judgment about the quality of the content yet.

PureMTGO seems to be a fountain of nonsense or possibly something bigger than a fountain as it seems to pour forth relentlessly. Although I do like some of the articles so I can't quite swear off it yet. But if I hear much more about Kaleidoscope or 100 card singleton I may die.

I quite like and Quiet Speculation is interesting. Someone needs to break magic economics (sorry Mike).

Others on which I have no strong opinion:, The Struggle, Top 8 Magic.

What am I missing?

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for humourous articles, photoshops, and the one semi-funny mtg webcomic now ugmadness has finished. If you search, they even have a few Dominion webcomics!

and this is just genius - Magical cards facebook feed
That Facebook thing is so good that even though I've read it 5 times I just read it again.

Progenitus cannot be targeted by friend requests. Genius.

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