Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Cue embarassing thread!

So at (I think) the last Games Club monthly, I lent someone at least some Knights of the Reliquary and Noble Hierarchs for a deck they wanted to play that day, but I can't find them now, so I must not have asked for them back. So if anyone here borrowed them or remembers me lending them out it would be great if you could help jog my memory!

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anything else you are missing?
Like 3 raging ravines
1 lotus cobra
1 misty rainforest
3 ranger of eos
lol - at least u lent them to someone you could (probably) trust! :D

Nick Lovett said:
anything else you are missing?
Like 3 raging ravines
1 lotus cobra
1 misty rainforest
3 ranger of eos
Yeah, that's why I wasn't too worried. It being Nick also explains why I didn't write it down, because he writes everything down!

Amar Dattani said:
lol - at least u lent them to someone you could (probably) trust! :D

Nick Lovett said:
anything else you are missing?
Like 3 raging ravines
1 lotus cobra
1 misty rainforest
3 ranger of eos
I think this only serves as an endorsement of Amar's system!

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