So as I was playing Miracles before rotation (not quite good enough) I figure it only gets better after rotation.
Here is my first draft of the deck, havent worked out the mana base yet.
26 Land
2 Snapcaster Mage
1 Izzet Charm
3 Syncopate
3 Think Twice
1 Azoriuos Charm
3 Mizzium Mortars
2 Divine Verdict
2 Oblivion Ring
3 Jace
2 Tamiyo
1 Devils Play
2 Bonfire of the Damned
4 Terminus
2 Temporal Mastery
3 Entreat the Angels
1 Sphink's Revelation
3 Martial Law
2 Detention Sphere
2 Temporal Mastery
3 Negate
2 Rest in Peace
3 Pillar of Flame
So hard to build as there are so many cards I want to play. Also would like to see how far the mana can be stretched, add green for Thragtusk, add Black for Rakdos Return out the side for control matches.
"For those of you who have yet to play against the new Jace, you are in for a rude awakening. That card is fantastic, almost to the point of being obnoxious."
That part of the article makes me sad that I didnt have the money to pre order them when some sites had them at $20.
Guess I need to win both of the flights I am playing in, at least the one with a box for first.
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