Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

So I wake up to find the latest pairings include two English players at 5-0 paired in Round 6.

National Champion Dan Gardner versus Eternal Champion Steve Bernstein.

Epic battle.

Who else is there that we know?

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Agreed, well in- I think the best bit is the pro tour invite!

Speaking of which, best start testing when you get back!

Ben Titmarsh said:
Amazing, you legend Steve.
Just landed and got back to the flat.

Holy fuck.

We need someone to setup ggsliveeurope!

And I have to be amused that his sole mention in the official coverage today so far is, "narrowly avoided being dropped from the tournament entirely" :)

Go Steve!
I'm sure he's just really busy, I don't think it's any bad blood on his part... I'm sure he'll comment in due time though.

stevie_b said:
Given that Jason is running side events the other side of the room 30 seconds away it's a bit shit he hasn't bothered tocome over and congratulate me for 9-0ing and being top of the Swiss day one or qualifying for top 8 - but what do u expect? Battlefield Schmattlefield said:
awesome steve.

jason ban me please.
And he's in, 4th place! Go Steve!

Honourable mention to Wei, who finished 4 points shy in 39th place. :)
Playing naya!!
good luck mate!

stevie_b said:
Playing naya!!
congrats steve

take it down
I hate Top 8 ID math. The Magic Online version is better (but doesn't work IRL).
no ID's possible

Andy Buchanan said:
What's the Magic Online version?

Thomas David Baker said:
I hate Top 8 ID math. The Magic Online version is better (but doesn't work IRL).
Just won the quarters - jund mirror in the semis!
nice, confident for the mirror?

stevie_b said:
Just won the quarters - jund mirror in the semis!
Congrats Steve - best of luck in the Top8 dude! - it's a shame there is no live coverage.

stevie_b said:
Just won the quarters - jund mirror in the semis!

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