Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Whose for another new old boys draft next week?

1. Ross

2. Andrew (champ)

3. Kieran

4. Ben

5. ginger

5. roooyydeee 

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Thanks Ross

Am up for this again !

Absolutely in - round robin & redraft rares is way more fun than regular drafting. Plus Ross came last this week, which is good for everybody.

I am going to see Batman in the iMax next Tuesday with Paul Hodgson - but I'm free the Tuesday after for NOBs Draft 4

In.  Was awesome again this week - aside from the fact that for a second draft in a row I had to redraft away my Sublime Archangel!

Would anyone care about maintaining a league for bragging rights?  As Amar pointed out we don't want people ID-ing in to prizes etc..  We could have just a simple 1 point for attendance.  8 for first, 6 for second, 4 for third, 2 for fourth or something?

First week: 1) Kieran 2) Ross? 3)? 4)? Ben, Andrew, Amar, Russ, Marek, Ray

Second Week: 1)Andrew 2)Rebecca 3)Ben 4)Kieran Daniel Royde - National Champion, Charlie, Russ, Ross

I'm fairly indifferent - I mainly just want to draft on a weekly basis. I'm certainly not going to be IDing as that's not in the spirit of what this is.

But if someone wants to maintain a League etc then thats OK!

Me and Andy could have potentially taken a draw to come joint first this week (based on other results). But it would have been to hard to decide so we didn't. We should probably just have a gentleman's agreement not to ID. A league for bragging rights would be good, but it would be a bit awkward when you miss a week because that would put you behind. We could do some sort of grid with results against various people so you can see who you get to lord it over and who is your nemesis (damn you Ben!).

Agreed on no IDing regardless of whether we have a league or not!

I don't think missing a week with a ~50% chance of only coming away with 1 point anyway would be a particularly big deal, plus it rewards attendance and most of us will undoubtedly miss a week every now and then. Trying to keep this as simple as possible, I think we all have a pretty good feeling of our own Nemesi without having to commit it to black and white!

I'm happy to maintain it and post an update on here each week.  Can anyone remember who came 3rd and 4th in week one?  Pretty sure that I came 5th.  Was it Russ and Ray?

League sounds spicy, and no IDing is also good - if you have a hard stop then draft an aggro deck (and scoop if you have to run for a train) :P

Im in! I don't think we need a league as long as we have a gentleman's agreement not to draw. Which seems very reasonable

League league league

Alright!  Based on the scoring system I suggested above, and assuming Ray 3rd and Russ 4th in Week 1:

1    Kieran        10
2    Andrew        9
3    Ross            7
4    Rebecca        6
5    Ben            5
6    Ray            4
7    Russ            3
8    Marek        1
9    Amar        1
10    Charlie        1
11    Dan Royde    1

Where shall I maintain this?  Shall we just spam DT with a new thread like this each week and stick it in that thread?

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