Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

83(?) players.  10 slots.  7 rounds.

London players:
Paul Young (Jund) 4-3 (lost last 2 rounds).
Ray Wat (Jund) 4-3 (but out of contention earlier than the last round)
Kieran Symington (Crypt Combo) 1-4 drop
Thomas David Baker (UW Chapin Control) 1-3-1 drop

Fairly miserable performance all around.  There was a 5-0-2 (double ID) UW Polymorph Iona deck (splashing Khalni Garden but not actual green spells) on the top table (Spell Pierce main?)  Some mill deck did well too.  Jund everywhere, high tables and low.

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Didnt I say to just play Jund?

What did you play against?

I will be at the club Tuesday if you want to do some practise.
I played Mythic (easy easy win including drawing 9 off a Treasure Hunt and Martial Coup forgetting to put the tokens out as too busy winning off Jace ultimate), Jund (totally totally crushed), bad "Jund" with Ooze Garden and Scarland Thrinax (I allowed him to slow play all match rather than be "unfriendly" and drew with 13 counters on Jace in my last turn of extra turns with counterspells in hand when his board was just lands), then I lost to Naya's one-of Luminarch Ascension from the board after easy win in g1 which made me misboard for g3 determined not to lose to it again. Final round I played (although I was pretty much out of contention at this point) was a narrow loss 1-2 to a terrible Jund player whom I should have easily beaten if I was even remotely good at this game and/or his deck didn't do deviant things off multiple Bloodbraid Elves.

Gary Lynch said:
Didnt I say to just play Jund?
What did you play against?
I will be at the club Tuesday if you want to do some practise.

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