Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

I just Inquisitoned a guy with Sorin Markov and Grave Titan in my hand to see that he had a Volition Reins.  He also had Inkmoth Nexus and Trinket Mage on the board.  I made Sorin because I want him to Reins that then I can kill it with Grave Titan and go on to win the game.


So I make Sorin.


Then I have to decide what ability to use.  Make his life total 10?  No way!  Then his Mage or Nexus can kill it.  Do 2 damage and gain 2?  No way!  Then he can put it to 8 on his turn then Mindslaver me immediately after I make Grave Titan.


Correct play?  Use no ability!


He Reins-ed Sorin and I made Grave Titan and killed it and went on to win the game.  Which was nice.


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did he not wonder why you used no ability?  Nice play though.
2 life and 2 damage isn't worth getting mindslavered for so you made the right decision.
U made the good play, but surely the best play would have been shoot yourself for 2, redirect to sorin, gain 2.

It might have been the best if it were legal!

As long as you are doing nothing with Sorin its clearly correct for him to not cast volition reins either I think; cos you are probably sandbagging a better threat. At lesat you gave your opponent a chance to misplay
Yeah especially since your opponant know's that you've seen his hand, he must have thought something was up or he just thought you were a complete donk.

Charlie Grover said:
As long as you are doing nothing with Sorin its clearly correct for him to not cast volition reins either I think; cos you are probably sandbagging a better threat. At lesat you gave your opponent a chance to misplay
Yeah, I actually thought he might not Reins Sorin.  But then he has to decide what to do before I draw something else useful (particularly good: counterspell or Jace).  Attacking Sorin just kills his Trinket Mage the following turn and gains me two life.  So I guess his plan probably should have been to just attack me and watch me NOT use my 6 mana planeswalker and both try to draw something that swung the status quo one way or another.  It was an interesting situation anyway!
And of course if I do draw the counterspell or other super useful thing I then have a Sorin on board ready to go Sorin-you-to-10, swing with 10 power of guys :)
Im pretty sure you just have to pass till you draw something non terrible while he gets to beat you down. Awkward situation is somewhat awkward :p

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