Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Race For The Galaxy is one of the best games ever. If you've never played it, or find it difficult to get a game because you've got no friends, then today's your lucky day. Below is a link to a downloadable version you can play against the computer. The AI is pretty decent (though I'm fairly certain it cheats as it seems to know what's in your hand) and will probably crush you until you get the hang of it. What are you waiting for?" target="_blank">

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High scores are always produce consume with the 6 cost development that gives you points for every 3 VP in chips + Galactic Trendsetters, the produce-consume development etc. Then with the expansion you get points for the goals that you've acquired, and I got all the non-military ones. Use the production worlds with built in card advantage when you produce/consume and always consume 2 x VPs. If you are about to consume all of the chips, then consume-trade up to just below the limit, giving you a massive pay day on the next 2 x consumption (if you are willing to take the risk). I also only ever play two-player with my girlfriend, so we each have 2 phases per round.

Kieran Symington said:
The base game is the best anyway. How the hell did you score 97? Games I play usually end on about 50! If you're at the club tomorrow it's definately on!

Ben Titmarsh said:
I will punish your insolence! I've been pretty close to topping 100 in two games with the expansion (95 and 97), think Jason only has the base game though?
Maybe Steve/Tom should swap with Ben so you and and Kieran can have a a room?! :P
Docking doesn't require a room Dan...
in some countries docking is illegal in public. it is always frowned upon in swimming pools.
Swimming pools are the best place, you get to whip out the dock-piss.

ross miles said:
in some countries docking is illegal in public. it is always frowned upon in swimming pools.
Well forgoing all this docking shenanigans and back to race, it would be great to get a game in tomorrow at the club.

I would disagree that the base set only is the best, I think it favours produce consume a little too heavily. Expansions and goals really help.
If you want to play RftG online, but against real humans then you can play here:

Due its submit your actions and wait nature, it tends to play out more like a PBEM game, but I have logged over a 100 plays on it over the past3/4 months.

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