Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Is a source of continual joy, his Engrish is superb:

  • Heineken ! Yeah, Let's Do that then !
  • Hi my friend ! long time no see you in GP, why ><??
  • My parent know MTG is great ! befour, I told many. and my father`s stance is self happy is best !^^ I think so too.
  • Thank you for looking my twitter! I will use English some time, for Stady English and more friendlyship.
  • but I love Texas! Air,Foods,Peoples,Name, everyting great for me! Texas is my 3rd contry.
  • ブリュッセル到着^^ I arrival to Brussels. Smoking with Coca-Cola zero in airport now.

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what is his twitter name, i may have to join...

Amar Dattani said:
what is his twitter name, i may have to join...
for some reason Saito is following me! Think he does that to everyone who follows him though
Smoking with Coca-Cola zero is the only way to smoke!
we had a skipping race in brussels with him, quentin martin, mark glenister and another Japan pro - we lost even though mark was running and quentin didn't skip the full distance.
he was very good times and we drunk the bar dry which was a nice feature
It's even better if you use Chrome/Google Translate to get the Japanese tweets.

"You Tube of PV SPEED arranged in the old sink with the card. "Fading" and thought it was this thing. SPEED I did not like another old (laughs)"

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