Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Stevie B Magic Memorial BBQ and Games Day at Tiff's this Saturday

42 mins from Euston station 

It is cheaper to travel in a group (4 people can go for £7/each return) and also then I will pick people up, athough it's not a long walk. Unless you get lost. Then it's longer. 

Tom B sez: everyone try and get the 10:54 (to Leighton Buzzard)

Cubes, drafts and random board games with added food and shit.


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I live in Hemel - it's even quicker for me to get there!

Wait - 'with added food and shit'

Is there a just food option?

Oh and is Steve coming?
Probably a just food option could be arranged. For the picky.

It would be odd if Steve wasn't coming but the world is a strange place sometimes.
Steve is coming. Also me, Warren and others. Warren is bringing his cube. I will probably bring Best of Draft cube too. We will use the power of our minds to make it sunny and have barbecue. It will be good.

People - you should attend.

Londoners - let's meet at Euston at 10:30 so we can dick about getting these cheap group tickets whatever the hell they are and still get on the train.
I'm working until 11am but apart from that it sounds like a plan.

Thomas David Baker said:
Steve is coming. Also me, Warren and others. Warren is bringing his cube. I will probably bring Best of Draft cube too. We will use the power of our minds to make it sunny and have barbecue. It will be good.

People - you should attend.

Londoners - let's meet at Euston at 10:30 so we can dick about getting these cheap group tickets whatever the hell they are and still get on the train.
:( Cant make it.

Someone ask Steve why he never replies to people.
What - why can't you make it?

Gary Lynch said:
:( Cant make it.

Someone ask Steve why he never replies to people.
Tiff you live ages away!
I will try to be there - sounds like fun!
If I'm coming will try to be at Euston at 10.30
Cause as im going to the PTQ Monday and my girlfriend is leaving the country for 2 weeks on Wednesday I shoulld really spend some time with her.

James Mills said:
What - why can't you make it?

Gary Lynch said:
:( Cant make it.

Someone ask Steve why he never replies to people.
Well, Estelle could come too it is not a card carrying DCI members only event is it..

Amar, travel is good for the soul. 42 minutes is not really 'ages' unless you are a Mayfly in which case it is quite a long time yes.
I dont think she wants to spend any more time with Magic players at the moment. We already have to go see some rubbish band play Sunday :P

Tiff Leek said:
Well, Estelle could come too it is not a card carrying DCI members only event is it..

Amar, travel is good for the soul. 42 minutes is not really 'ages' unless you are a Mayfly in which case it is quite a long time yes.
if i'm not going to the MCM Expo then I'll most likely meet you guys at the station : )

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