Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Hey all.

As you may have noticed, attendance for these events has gradually been declining, which is a real shame, as I loves me some constructed!

For instance, I remember attending a ~30 player Game Day a while ago. Then I won a 23 player one, then the last one was only 12 players (taken down by K Symington Esq. and his merry band of ebony and ivory allies)

Likewise, we used to fire multiple simultaneous legacy and standard queues at the monthly constructed, and this weekend there were only 3 standards. I played a mere 3 matches, compared to 11+ I have at times in the past. :(

Obviously, this is not ideal for us as players, or for Jason running the events to make a living.

So, why have you stopped coming? What would make you come back in your droves?

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Can't sanction it, then.

Kieran Symington said:
What if the monthly constructed allowed proxies? (Good ones, obviously) Then it would be really useful for testing decks you might be thinking about buying and you wouldn't have to spend a fortune on cards to participate. The last one, for example, would have been good for testing cards from Scars ready for the Game Day without having had to buy them first.
Dan Barrett said:
Can't sanction it, then

Does it matter?

We know the Wizards of the Coast don't care if The Games Club runs sanctioned events (sic).

Are we gonna have some kinda statement about the future of TGC taking into account these new changes?

Lots of speculation going on right now, would be good to hear from you exactly what changes if any are happening.

Jason Howlett said:
Dan Barrett said:
Can't sanction it, then

Does it matter?

We know the Wizards of the Coast don't care if I run sanctioned events (sic).
Dan Barrett said:

Lots of speculation going on right now, would be good to hear from you exactly what changes if any are happening.

It is expected that there will be little to no change in the Organised Play available, once The Games Club has conformed to the new WPN policy.
Me and Liz usually only go to the 'big'(ger) events in London, and local events during the week, but have started full time work (quite a shock from being full time students...) so haven't been able to go to either that often recently.

The last Game Day we went to (the M11 one) was the only one I managed to convince her to play at (instead of go shopping in London), but I seem to recall her being somewhat disappointed that, out of four rounds, two of them were against basically the same deck, and an incredibly boring one to play against at that.

People play the game for different reasons (Wizards does have 3 major 'player profiles'); so will go to events for different reasons, expecting different outcomes/experiences. (Oversimplifying this next bit greatly, apologies), Some may want to go just to get prizes (be it packs, or special shiny cards), some may want to go just to practice playing (to get better for an upcoming or future tournament), some may want to go just to have fun playing the game, some may want to just spend time with like minded people in a social environment. I'm sure there are various other reasons I can't think of at the moment. The point I'm trying to make is that while greater prize support may encourage some to come along more often, not everyone is going to be interested in what prizes there are.

Time (particularly day of the week) is also an important factor to consider (I think its been mentioned before); some might be busy at the weekends for example. I guess also the time of year can be important (for example, half term for schools have just started: those of school age (and teachers) will have more time during the week, but parents of kids of school age may have less time if they are looking after their kids).
To look like a bit of a dick, I'll now be missing this Saturday's Game Day.

It's because of a one-off more important thing though - going to look at flats.

The rest of you should still go though, and I may still make it in for a draft/cube/Ascension later on!

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