A mix of U tempo and control.
I might have gone without the Garruk splash. This would improve your black mana distribution and you could probably play Hexmage over Hex Parasite and Nantuko Shade over Garruk. This gives you better bodies for your Sword and Jitte.
I'd worry that with almost no counterspells any of the ramp decks will just go straight over the top of you.
How did it play out?
well i won most of my games of recurring nightmare but lost to a rap deck in the finals.
Those rappers and their decks!!!
Man which I save my sweet draft deck from yesterday - Mono red with splashes for tarmogoyf, huntmaster, wooly thoctar, journey to nowhere, lightning helix and wild nacatl. The splashes were pretty much free because I got passed so many g/r, w/r and g/w lands.
3-0d the draft playing again blue decks in all three rounds.
Recurring Nightmare in a deck with only 11 creatures? (of which maybe 4 are worth reanimating?)
I dunno. Agree with Simon the Garruk may not be necessary, and getting Shade and Hexmage in seems better. Overall it seems kinda average save the Jace TMS and Jitte. Also, you don't really have much in the way of sideboard options?
I've played Recurring Nightmare in decks with less creatures. It is still a really strong card. As long as the creatures have good comes into play/ leaves play triggers (which most of Lewis' do not to be fair) then it provides a very powerful engine at a low cost.
Random dudes plus Jitte / Sword is actually a pretty strong route to victory in the MODO cube.
BEB and Flashfreeze are actually pretty good sideboard cards as they are excellent against two of the best archetypes (mono red and Green based ramp). He has a Crypt vs reanimator, a Crucible in case he comes up against Armageddons, Masticore against aggro, seems okay. I've certainly played decks with way less sideboard options.
Dan Barrett said:
Recurring Nightmare in a deck with only 11 creatures? (of which maybe 4 are worth reanimating?)
I dunno. Agree with Simon the Garruk may not be necessary, and getting Shade and Hexmage in seems better. Overall it seems kinda average save the Jace TMS and Jitte. Also, you don't really have much in the way of sideboard options?
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