Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

I would really like to get some practice in for London which is imminent.  Sealed deck is fine, but draft is probably better.  (I'm totally going to day 2, right? :P)

I remember one year at Aus Nationals, talking to some interstate friends about practicing the new draft format

Them: "How many practice drafts did you do?"

Me: "Only managed about 3 or 4.  You?"

Them: "About 20."

You can imagine how well they did compared to me.  I don't to be the "4" guy this time.  I want to be the "20" guy.

So if anyone else wants to be the 20 guy, and not suck in 10 days time, make yourself known.

I have all day Saturday and Sunday free, which in theory could be sealed deck release events if noone wants to organize drafts.  But yeah.  Draft good.  If there was a chance to buy some boxes and draft like crazy on Sunday, I'd be all over that.

edit: I have 4 boosters (in french) available for drafts this week, but I'm not available Wed or Fri.

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not sure about being the 20 guy, but would be up for a few more drafts on weekend(s)- been a good couple of months since i last played paper magic and i guess it would be good to get back into it. 

isn't there sealed this weekend @ Euston? 

Yes there is a sealed with top 8 draft at TGC, see you there?

Oh cool, a GPT on Saturday.  That seems great actually.

I still want to organize a massive drafting session on Sunday if people are interested.  Might just organize something at my place at Mile End.

Also maybe we can organize a draft in between rounds at the GPT.  I always get kinda bored waiting for rounds to start :)

Up for lots of drafts.  I am the "2" guy currently.  Is product readily available enough that we can buy boxes on Saturday?

The set is released on Friday, so yes.

I'm the "0" guy currently, not counting sealed deck. 

What's the going rate for a box?  Will there be some available at Games Club on saturday?

Maor I have 2 others on fb do if your in, we're @4. Fb me. :)

just trying to find a solution for the dog not being shut in too long on its own, should be fine joining. (might have to leave a bit earlier if i can't find a solution for him) 

Well, if you wanted to leave about 2-3 ish, Amar will be showing up at that time, so that works out great, numbers wise.

Since I can't make the release, would be totally up for powering through some drafts on the Sunday - though someone would need to buy a few boxes on the Saturday that could be paid for on the day...

I've ordered 2 boxes for pickup Saturday (at least I hope I did my ordering right).  That's enough for 3 drafts.

Wtf?  This GPT is for Verona?  Lame.

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