We are doing this in our Multiverse app:
(Old shared Google spreadsheet for this is here:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ag7TtjWsLhYkdHBBUHF4RG... )
Channel Fireball just did Top 8 Mechanics:
* Retrace
* Dredge
* Landfall (not for attacking like Steppe Lynx - Grazing Gladehart and Roil Elemental style)
* Scry
* Flashback
* Kicker
* Flying
* Cycling
I wonder if we could use that, or some of that, as the basis of You Make the Set 5. I know that some of you were keen on Landfall.
Not sure when we would play it out but some time in late May probably?
There's the charity sealed event that day, maybe another weekend?
Oh, is there? At tgc? Scratch that then. I'll edit the post.
Well I think we did Landfall with the last YmtS, so I imagine most people would be happy to do something new.
I think we already have Dredge, Scry, Flashback and Cycling in our proto-You Make the Set, and I can certainly see Retrace being added in small numbers, so we pretty much have these covered.
Something I was thinking about in relation to You Make the Set was that we could have more of a set feel if we had multiples of the same commons. The idea would be 1x each rare/mythic, 2x each Uncommon, 3x each Common.
So for a 360 card cube the breakdown would something like:
40 Rares/Mythics
110 Uncommons (55 Uniques)
210 Commons (70 Uniques)
There are a few benefits to this, we don't have to design swathes of cards, we get to allow that "set feel" by potentially having multiples of the same card in the draft, and we can seed some archetypes that require specific cards that wouldn't easily be doable in a highlander format (i.e.: Searing Meditation at uncommon)
Logistically I think you can just play it as a normal cube, as this will add enough variance that you will never be sure that there are multiples of the specific common/uncommon you are looking for (unless you have full 8 players).
Well I was imagining that we would take the collaborative approach we talked about in the other thread with regards to designing this set.
I think we certainly can reuse some existing cards, I have designed about 50 new ones so far relating to the themes Tom talked about before. Maybe we just need to get a communal MSE file up with our ideas so far, and then start the discussion.
Okay, I've just shared my file that has some random ideas in it with both Kieran and Tom (through Google docs, let me know if you don't have it)
Mostly red and blue cards at this time, but I just note down stuff in here when I think about it.
Good article on curves, number of removal spells, etc. It's about cube but it uses real sets for comparison.
I have 20 R and W cards (lifegain can be good!) plus 9 Retrace and 5 Landfall cards.
You can see them here: http://pastie.org/3902121
Some powerful and complicated cards in your set Simon. What happened to doing the Commons first? :)
I really like Explorer, Spiteful Goblin and Thought Shards.
I'm pretty sure Rageslaver is broken. Tension Turtle makes me uncomfortable!
Your 3RW guy seems pretty strong since he instantly kills your opponent if he ever deals any damage or you gain life in any way.
Thomas David Baker said:
Good article on curves, number of removal spells, etc. It's about cube but it uses real sets for comparison.
I have 20 R and W cards (lifegain can be good!) plus 9 Retrace and 5 Landfall cards.
You can see them here: http://pastie.org/3902121
Some powerful and complicated cards in your set Simon. What happened to doing the Commons first? :)
I really like Explorer, Spiteful Goblin and Thought Shards.
I'm pretty sure Rageslaver is broken. Tension Turtle makes me uncomfortable!
I haven't handed him off to development yet :)
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