Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Oh dear no. Also how does this work as Tom is a player in this game.

C. During any players turn in addition to making a proposal they may choose to gamble any number thier points against any number of other players. H.

E. All players involved choose a number between 1 and 100 and email it in private to Tom. A. Tom will then use a random number generator and post the results. T.

Y .The player who guessed closest wins all the points gambled. F. If the player making the challange wins they also receive a 15 point bonus. A.

C. Players may not gamble more points than they or any opponent have. E.

Views: 17

Replies to This Discussion

Spotted: Cheatyface.

Oh, it's not a proposal :(
I trust Tom not to cheat.
Gary challenged me to gamble 15 points but I didn't see it. I accept!
Gary and Kieran please email me your numbers to (see above).

I challenge Ross Miles to gamble 20 points.

Kieran Symington said:
Gary challenged me to gamble 15 points but I didn't see it. I accept!
Kieran wins the gambling challenge.

Gary -15.
Kieran +15.

Thomas David Baker said:
Kieran wins the gambling challenge.

Gary -15.
Kieran +15.
I challenge Gary Lynch to gamble 20 points (attached to my proposal 329).
Gary wins the gambling challenge.

Tom -20
Gary +20


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