The Games Club


United Kingdom

Comment Wall:

  • Dan Barrett

    Hey Jason, couple questions on Prague -

    Where is best to meet you on Thursday afternoon once we've got in and are ready to head out? I take it your phone will be on and work out there?

    Are there any events in the venue on Friday afternoon/evening at all?

    Also, we all must go to this bar called Sherlocks in the town centre before your midget-joint, it's AWESOME!
  • Amar Dattani

    Hey this is quite a cool new change that I'm sure you already know about!

    Tournament officials and other staff of a tournament (including the Tournament Organizer and Scorekeeper) may
    participate in a DCI-sanctioned tournament of which they are a tournament official or staff if (and only if) the
    tournament is of the following event types:
    • Friday Night Magic
    • Prerelease
    • Launch Party
    • Magic Game Day
    • Other non-Premier Magic Tournaments

    If tournament officials and other staff play in the event, it must be run at Regular REL and will have its k-value
    set at 8. If tournament officials play in the event and the event it not one of the allowed event types list above, the
    event will be invalidated. Tournament officials and staff and required to officiate events fairly and without regard
    to their own self-interest.
  • Amar Dattani

    how much do people care if mon or tue is 8k or 16k?
    personally i don't.
    but you can now do the ancillary pre release on sundays - although i dont think these rules go into effect until after zendikar prereleases.
  • Daniel Royde

    Hi Jason,
    Quick question- were the double drafts last week sanctioned? Only they haven't been listed on DCI yet.
  • Daniel Royde

    No worries,
    Had just wondered,