Thomas David Baker



United Kingdom

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DCI Number

Comment Wall:

  • Ben Titmarsh

    Looks good, hey at the very least it's another site to distract me from the more important things I should probably be doing on a day-to-day basis.
  • Florian Esser

    Yeah, really important for Magic in London ;). Will be back.
  • Florian Esser

    Well it's functional ;). Or better, it was.
  • Tiff Leek

  • Ben Titmarsh

    Tom can you ban "Jen Thomas" please, she is spam:


    "I just made $542 this week working from home for google. I cant believe how easy this is. Im recommending this to everyone, check out this guys google blog"

  • Daniel Royde

    Hi Tom,
    Just to say: I beat paul last night 2-1, not the other way around.
  • Daniel Royde

  • stevie_b

    Tom you rule. Please don't leave us.
  • Jim

    My 1st post here =)
  • Mark Walker

    Tom, FYI, based on mtgsalvation news recently, you may want to move the altered cards off site.
  • stevie_b

    when did i become your friend?
  • stevie_b

    DT friends obv!
  • Paul Laudano

    Hi Tom, Will have that booster for you Friday.
  • Mark Walker

    Hi Tom. Who did you drop my bloodwitch off with?
  • Mark Walker

    Cheers buddy.
  • Battlefield Schmattlefield

    mate i owe you a tenner! when you back?
  • stevie_b

    Hey tom hows things?

    Whats the bangalore FNM like?

    Do you get to table Ondu Cleric in India as well?

    Come back soon...
  • Ben Titmarsh

    Yo Tom. I paid my entry fee for Season one league, can you update the home page please?
  • Ben Titmarsh

    I transferred £2 directly to your bank account....
  • Ben Titmarsh

    ages ago
  • Ben Titmarsh

    Wanted to check I wasn't going mad too, here it is:
  • Dan Barrett

    Tom, pretty sure i gave you £2 cash for League entry, but if not then you can steal mai euroz.
  • Ben Titmarsh

    Tom are you going to Southampton for the PTQ this weekend?
  • Paul Laudano

    Are you going to be at Games Club Friday?
  • Ben Titmarsh

    Hi Tom. Please could you like in my new RSS feed for SuubmitYourDraft somewhere (hopefully prominent) on the home page:
  • Ben Titmarsh

    ughhh Link and SubmitYourDraft... need to improve my sloppy typing
  • Gary Lynch

  • Gary Lynch

    if you can catch me on modo some time i have tectoniv edges and chalices for you if you need them
  • Ben Titmarsh

    Not sure if this is a bug tom, but the SYD thread currently says "Last reply by Kieran Symington 14 hours ago. " but I dont see any reply from Kieran at the end of the thread.
  • Kieran Symington

    Following Ben's comment below, I posted on that thread, deleted the post, and posted something else - which looked like it had been posted but now isn't there any more. Looks like I managed to break DT and Submityourdraft in the same evening!
  • Tom Reeve

    Just letting you know about this, thought you might be interested -
  • Amar Dattani

    hey tom did you settle on how you are going to nottingham - there is a train from st pancras that gets into nottingham for 9.26, or there is driving - but i personally dont fancy driving - but if you are- can i get a lift?
  • Ben Titmarsh

    Me too :)
  • Thomas David Baker

    I made a discussion thread about Nottingham with a radical plan attached.
  • Amar Dattani

    i think doris may be a spambot....
  • Daniel Royde

    Steven Mcintosh's ratings website.
  • Dan Barrett

    That thing that Roydey just commented about?


    the graphs are superb
  • Amar Dattani

    I agree with the Dan's - looks like a really good website.
  • Ashley Tsen

    No problem. Chess player eh?
  • Ashley Tsen

    Here is that mono G list I was talking about. It has one vengevine and I can't see anything else that is really expensive or someone has sitting around in a trade binder....