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Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Ross miles's Comments

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At 11:41am on August 10, 2011, Paul Young said…
Well this easy way to get u a message, I use this , its a age where bot prices are saved, but it should also tell you where the card is available.
At 2:17pm on January 16, 2011, Kevin Blake said…

Hi Ross


Yes we have a play group in MK, we meet up for sanctioned magic every Tuesday and casual magic every Thursday at the Toby Carvery in Shenley Church End, Milton Keynes.  Details of upcoming stuff (like the Mirrodin Besieged pre-release) are on our website  The forums are the main source of info, as well as a good place to meet other players.  If you make it across I'll introduce to some of the other guys from Bedford that usually turn up.


Next Tuesday we are doing Two headed giant draft, just to shake things up a bit.  It's normally either draft or standard.  


Any queries drop me a line and hope to see you soon.



At 4:41pm on March 22, 2010, Kieran Symington said…
Trailblazers Boots > Talon Trooper
At 12:21pm on November 10, 2009, Ben Titmarsh said…
Forget about it Ross, I was just being petty really... I know you're not the kind of player/person who looks to win through that sort of advantage. Sleeves do feel nice, don't go trying to use them as a contraceptive though, it just doesn't work.
At 4:18pm on October 21, 2009, wv said…
Fixed. :D
At 1:36pm on October 14, 2009, Kieran Symington said…
Ross, I hereby challenge you to play Lookout Aggro in the Standard competition on Saturday. Time to see if you can walk the walk....
At 11:41am on October 10, 2009, Tiff Leek said…
Yeah. Wait.. What?
At 1:40am on October 10, 2009, stevie_b said…
FYI "The volcanic winds make a maze of the skies of Jund. If we mean to invade, we must first learn their invisible paths."

Nuff said.
At 7:23pm on October 8, 2009, Dan Barrett said…
1 card less than that combo, fools!
At 4:55pm on October 8, 2009, Amar Dattani said…
And even then talon trooper actually costs one mana more than a zephyr sprite and holy strength!
I agree with kieran. It's rubbish :)
At 4:02pm on October 8, 2009, Kieran Symington said…
Talon Trooper is nothing more than a Zephyr Sprite with a Holy Strength on it that attacks two turns later. Talk about inefficient.....
At 9:12am on August 26, 2009, Tiff Leek said…

At 11:42pm on June 17, 2009, Tiff Leek said…

At 9:46pm on June 15, 2009, stevie_b said…
not very cunning...from the shanking school of thought - breath of malfegor, infectious horror whatelse kicks ass in 2hg - also r u coming to reading for the ptq this weekend?
At 8:04pm on June 15, 2009, stevie_b said…
1st Comment !!!!

Oh erstwhile 2HGmate we need to ascend to our rightful place atop the Demonic Tutor DCI tracker 2HG limited standings - any cunning plans?

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