Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

We're building a cube composed of the best draft picks (common and uncommon only) from Mirrodin thru Rise of the Eldrazi.  That's 22 sets not including core sets.  We'll take an average of 15 from each set plus leave some extra slots for fixing (Shards trilands, Rav bouncelands, maybe Signets, Vivids, Refuges, Armillary Sphere, Rupture Spire).

To avoid over-representing little sets like Worldwake and Conflux we will do 20 cards from the big sets and 10 from the small sets. 

The idea is that you open your first booster and think, "wow, these are all first picks".

We'll have to force ourselves to include 50-75% creatures as first picks tend to be removal.

We'll aim for about 50% creatures which is the ratio most sets have in common/uncommon.

I will probably print a version of the cube and bring it to Portsmouth tomorrow with commons and sleeves, if I have time.  But still post your opinion if it's after that ... this is a work in progress!

I'm going to actually make the cube and bring it to the Games Club this week.

Post below what you think should make the cut for one or more sets!  Especially the older ones where I don't have a clue!

The Sets:

Rise of the Eldrazi
Alara Reborn
Shards of Alara
Future Sight
Planar Chaos
Time Spiral
Ravnica: City of Guilds
Saviors of Kamigawa
Betrayers of Kamigawa
Champions of Kamigawa
Fifth Dawn

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Best draft picks within the context of that particular set, or within the context of the whole cube? As some sets (e.g. Lowyn) would have some picks that would be good within the context of the while set (e.g. tribal stuff) but the value of which decreases when there is less change of getting more from the rest of the cube (e.g. kithkin will be slightly under represented over the whole 22 sets compared to say goblins or elves)
Here's an attempt at Zendikar ...

ZEN Picks: Baloth Woodcrasher, Burst Lightning, Disfigure, Gatekeeper of Malakir, Grazing Gladehart, Hideous End, Inferno Trap, Journey to Nowhere, Kazandu Blademaster, Kor Skyfisher, Living Tsunami, Marsh Casualties, Merfolk Seastalkers, Plated Geopede, Punishing Fire, River Boa, Shepherd of the Lost, Torch Slinger, Trusty Machete, Vampire Nighthawk (Hmmm ... 11 Creatures, 9 Spells).

(Near misses: Bladetusk Boar, Giant Scorpion, Harrow, Heartstabber Mosquito, Hedron Crab, Kor Aeronaut, Kor Hookmaster, Kor Sanctifiers, Mind Sludge, Nimana Sell-Sword, Nissa's Chosen, Oran-Rief Survivalist, Quest for the Gravelord, Steppe Lynx, Surrakar Marauder, Territorial Baloth, Timbermaw Larva, Turntimber Basilisk, Umara Raptor, Vampire Hexmage.Vines of Vastwood, Welkin Tern, Windborne Charge, Windrider Eel)
I don't really mind. I think it's fine if some cards are less powerful than they were in their historical context. Working that out rather than going on "that's a good card" autopilot is a bit of minor skill testing. Then again we don't want it to be boring/underpowered. I cut the allies from my final ZEN list for this reason.

Simon Baldwin said:
Best draft picks within the context of that particular set, or within the context of the whole cube? As some sets (e.g. Lowyn) would have some picks that would be good within the context of the while set (e.g. tribal stuff) but the value of which decreases when there is less change of getting more from the rest of the cube (e.g. kithkin will be slightly under represented over the whole 22 sets compared to say goblins or elves)
WWK: Bestial Menace, Calcite Snapper, Cunning Sparkmage, Leatherback Baloth, Loam Lion, Refraction Trap, Searing Blaze, Tideforce Elemental, Tomb Hex, Vapor Snare (5 Creatures, 5 Spells including Bestial Menace).

(Near misses: Deathforge Shaman, Graypelt Hunter, Iona's Judgment, Kitesail, Kor Firewalker, Lightkeeper of Emeria, Ruin Ghost, Smother, Urge to Feed.)

I don't know Worldwake well. This may be all wrong. Also despite fighting against it this is already looking too removal-heavy.
ARB: Behemoth Sledge, Bituminous Blast, Bloodbraid Elf, Enlisted Wurm, Esper Stormblade, Marisi's Twinclaws, Qasali Pridemage, Slave of Bolas, Terminate, Vengeful Rebirth (5 Creatures, 5 Spells).

(Near misses: Crystallization, Ethersworn Shieldmage, Giant Ambush Beetle, Gloryscale Viashino, Gorger Wurm, Grixis Grimblade, Jund Hackblade, Messenger Falcons, Naya Hushblade, Putrid Leech, Rhox Brute, Sewn-Eye Drake.)

Again with the too few creatures. Perhaps swap out Vengeful Rebirth and Terminate for Putrid Leech and one of the blades?
CFX: Ember Weaver, Esper Cormorants, Grixis Slavedriver, Parasitic Strix, Path to Exile, Sedraxis Alchemist, Shambling Remains, Viashino Slaughtermaster, Volcanic Fallout, Wild Leotau (8 Creatures, 2 Spells - hurray!)

(Aven Squire, Dark Temper, Drag Down, Esperzoa, Faerie Mechanist, Fiery Fall, Fusion Elemental, Gleam of Resistance, Hellspark Elemental, Matca Rioters, Might of Alara, Nacatl Hunt-Pride, Sludge Strider, Vagrant Plowbeasts, Wretched Banquet.)
ALA: Agony Warp, Branching Bolt, Bull Cerodon, Executioner's Capsule, Fatestitcher, Infest, Jund Charm, Knight of the Skyward Eye, Magma Spray, Naya Charm, Necrogenesis, Oblivion Ring, Resounding Thunder, Rhox Charger, Rhox War Monk, Sprouting Thrinax, Tower Gargoyle, Vithian Stinger, Wild Nacatl, Wooly Thoctar (10 Creatures, 10 Spells).

(Akrasan Squire, Algae Gharial, Bant Charm, Blightning, Blood Cultist, Bloodpyre Elemental, Deft Duelist, Esper Battlemage, Fleshbag Marauder, Grixis Charm, Hissing Iguanar, Jund Battlemage, Kathari Screecher, Kiss of the Amesha, Naya Battlemage, Qasali Ambusher, Resounding Roar, Resounding Silence, Sanctum Gargoyle, Sigil Blessing, Sigiled Paladin, Skeletonize, Soul's Fire, Steward of Valeron, Tidehollow Sculler, Tidehollow Strix, Topan Ascetic, Viscera Dragger.)
This is where my knowledge runs out!
So far:

40 Creature, 18 Instant, 5 Sorcery, 4 Enchantment, 3 Artifact

12 R, 10 B, 9 G, 9 W, 7 U, 3 GRW, 3 BR, 3 GR, 3 GW, 2 GUW, 2 BUW, 2 BGR, 1 BRU, 1 BU, 1 BG, 1 UW, 1 , 1 RW

CMC: {1} => 8, {2} => 17, {3} => 25, {4} => 11, {5} => 5, {6} => 5

Not bad.
not too sure about if they were definitely first picks but they were all v good in draft:

for eventide we have - unmake, snakeform, Smoldering Butcher, Puncture Blast , Oona's Grace , Merrow Levitator , Heartlash Cinder , Harvest Gwyllion , Fire at Will , Desecrator Hag , Cinder Pyromancer , Cenn's Enlistment , Banishing Knack (combo) , Aerie Ouphes , Wistful Selkie , Suture Spirit , all the Hatchlings , Spitemare , Soul Snuffers , Savage Conception , Restless Apparition , Quillspike (combo), Nucklavee , Flickerwisp , Crag Puca , Cauldron Haze
shadowmoor - Armored Ascension, Ashenmoor Gouger , Biting Tether , Bloodmark Mentor , Boggart Ram-Gang , Corrosive Mentor , Corrupt , Firespout, Flame Javelin , Grief Tyrant , Howl of the Night Pack , Incremental Blight, Inkfathom Witch , Leech Bonder , Kulrath Knight , Jaws of Stone , Mercy Killing , Plumeveil , Torrent of Souls , Wilt-Leaf Cavaliers , Wasp Lancer , Ballynock Cohort , Briarberry Cohort , Burn Trail Cultbrand Cinder , Devoted Druid (combo with Devoted Druid) , Elsewhere Flask , Gloomlance, Hungry Spriggan , Morselhoarder , Puncture Bolt , Safehold Elite, Scar , Scarscale Ritual , Sinking Feeling , Wildslayer Elves ,
This is good, but too many cards!

Need 10 from Eventide and 20 from Shadowmoor.

You have to kill your babies!

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