We are doing this in our Multiverse app:
(Old shared Google spreadsheet for this is here:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ag7TtjWsLhYkdHBBUHF4RG... )
Channel Fireball just did Top 8 Mechanics:
* Retrace
* Dredge
* Landfall (not for attacking like Steppe Lynx - Grazing Gladehart and Roil Elemental style)
* Scry
* Flashback
* Kicker
* Flying
* Cycling
I wonder if we could use that, or some of that, as the basis of You Make the Set 5. I know that some of you were keen on Landfall.
Not sure when we would play it out but some time in late May probably?
Not to sure when I am about, I have 3 WOW events this month, not to sure on dates (prob should spend some time with the wife as well but lets not go crazy)
Thomas David Baker said:
Let's test Unite ... you never know I may love it. No point in not trying it out. I think I was just feeling grumpy last night :)
Interesting thoughts on vanilla creatures. I'm leaving Bone Beast in (5/2 vanilla - never before printed!) but if we can Cube we can cope with a set with very few actual vanilla creatures - agreed. We don't need to worry about people encountering Magic for the first time through our boosters, etc. so we should optimize for the enjoyment of experienced Magic players the way Wizards designers cannot.
Testingwise I think I am going to be a pain being in the Midlands for a while (after Nottingham WMCQ this weekend I have a wedding up here on June 9). Doesn't mean you guys can't test without me of course and tell me how all my broken cards ruined it afterwards. I'm in London the week of the 18th although England are playing in Euro 2012 on that Tuesday. Maybe Sunday 17th in Penderel's Oak?
A few things regarding multiverse implementation.
1. Whenever you edit a card and hit save it always seems to pop the card window lightbox up again. Would be better if it just returned you to the list.
2. Might be nice to have some simple colour filters in the top menu bar to quickly look at groups of cards. I can't tell you how many times I've read the white cards because they are at the top of the list, and I almost have no idea what green cards are in the set.
3. After editing templating on a lot of cards and commenting on a lot of cards this morning I was thinking how others are going to have to process that. The templating changes no one really needs to see, but for the comments I would like others to read/respond. It would be great to add a checkbox to the comment field to add some flag or colour highlight to the card in the main list as a call to action.
Initial stats page at http://mv.bluebones.net/stats/
Dead simple for now. I think the number of subdivisions you might want are great enough that it's not possible to have a "everything you might want to know" so I'm going to work on a search/filter system instead of taking this page down the lines of "CMC by color, by rarity" and make it 1000 screens long.
The only issue I have with the commenting or changing cards is that once you have done that it takes you back to the top of the page
Simon O'Keeffe said:
A few things regarding multiverse implementation.
1. Whenever you edit a card and hit save it always seems to pop the card window lightbox up again. Would be better if it just returned you to the list.
2. Might be nice to have some simple colour filters in the top menu bar to quickly look at groups of cards. I can't tell you how many times I've read the white cards because they are at the top of the list, and I almost have no idea what green cards are in the set.
3. After editing templating on a lot of cards and commenting on a lot of cards this morning I was thinking how others are going to have to process that. The templating changes no one really needs to see, but for the comments I would like others to read/respond. It would be great to add a checkbox to the comment field to add some flag or colour highlight to the card in the main list as a call to action.
Stats page is indeed awesome sauce, very nice work Tom
Filters for rarity and color now at the top on the main page. Can add others there or on an "Advanced Search" page if you let me know what you want to filter on.
You may need to Shift-Refresh to pick up the new javascript.
Tom - any way you can flag on the main list where a new comment has been added?
You can now get card details on hover on Stats and Changes pages. So if you see someone saying "this card is busted!" in the changes list you don't have to bring the card up to see what they are talking about. May require Shift-Refresh to pick up new javascript.
Paul - there's the Changes page at http://mv.bluebones.net/changes/ - I've also made the main page sortable by the "Act." column which will now sort by time-of-last-change-or-comment. And the "number of changes or comments" indicator is now color-coded to show "changed in last hour" (red), "changed in last day" (orange), "changed in last week" (blue) or not (gray).
This should possibly be the default sort order.
If I can think of a good way to do it I'd kind of like to show each user "changes you haven't seen yet" somewhere/somehow.
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