Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

We are doing this in our Multiverse app:

(Old shared Google spreadsheet for this is here: )

Channel Fireball just did Top 8 Mechanics:

* Retrace

* Dredge

* Landfall (not for attacking like Steppe Lynx - Grazing Gladehart and Roil Elemental style)

* Scry

* Flashback

* Kicker

* Flying

* Cycling

I wonder if we could use that, or some of that, as the basis of You Make the Set 5.  I know that some of you were keen on Landfall.

Not sure when we would play it out but some time in late May probably?

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Okay, so I'm going to retire three common Cyclopes (the Lurking one, the Trampler and the Vigilance guy), leaving green with two common Foresight creatures (the mana guy and the archer, who make most sense because we learned it works best on cheap guys). Funnel Web Spider can get Portent instead of Lurking at uncommon, and we may need one more there. We could also really use a rare Portent creature - though Mass Conscription is almost like one!

So we need up to three commons with Portent, another uncommon with Portent and a rare with Portent. To the Bakerverse!
Okay, we're so close to having this thing sewn up. We just need to make a few difficult cuts and we're good to go! Colour by colour, then:


Commons: 15/14 . We need to cut either Long Journey or Gibbet Confinement. Everything else seems fine.

Uncommons 7/6. Will probably end up losing Transubstatiate. Everything else looks good.

Rares 7/4. We need to cut 3 here. Readjust and Sue For Peace are quite similar, as are Soul Lord of Anara and Leader of the Lost.


Commons 14/14. Woo hoo!

Uncommons 7/6. One of these has to be cut, and it should probably be a creature. Which probably means Spellslinging Augur since blue is so naturally full of Portent spells.

Rares 4/4. Nice.


Commons 14/14. Done.

Uncommons 8/6. We need to cut two here. Subversion Priest is almost definitely cut, with the final one probably being Corrupt Seer despite him being the reason for the set existing in the first place! Might be room for him at rare.

Rare 7/4. Howling Devourer is probably out. That still leaves two cuts. Deferred Pleasure is really cool but probably too difficult to make work. This one will be tricky I think. Especially if we want Corrupt Seer in!


Common 16/14. We need to cut two here. Pretty sure they should be Double Trouble and Tyroshi Saboteur.

Uncommon 11/6. Wow! There are way too many Red uncommons. Raid the Library, Burn the Library, Disdainful Research and Ransack the Shelves all do pretty similar things, so at least two of those can probably go. Charm-Clad Brute and Pyretic Striker are competing for a slot as the aggro creature. Goblin Archer is clearly in.

Rare 5/4. Only one cut needed. Burn the Incumbent might be a bit good. Caliph of Tyrosh might be a bit rubbish. Something has to go!


Common 14/14. About time!

Uncommon 12/6. Seriously? Let’s decide what we definitely want to keep then fight over the others.

Rare 5/4. Evervine is grimly hanging in there as the remaining Lurker! Cyclopean Commander and Scion of Arges have power issues. Battlefield Oracle is totally awesome!


Common 11/14. Not sure what happened here. We need 3 more colourless commons!

Uncommon 6/6. Cool. Some of these are probably a bit rubbish though. Maybe move one or two to common.

Rare 3/4. We need another colourless rare. Get to work people!

Since we have some colourless slots, we might actually be able to make some of the things we’re cutting into artifacts. Corrupt Seer might actually work as a rare artifact creature much like Bone Beast makes way more sense as an artifact (and could even move back to common!).

made a potentially overpowered rare artifact :D

Kieran - There should only be 10 colourless commons total. The 5 lands plus 5 artifacts.

I've bumped Candle to uncommon, and suggest we cut Destiny Coil from the uncommons. I'm still not sure about Stone Beast here. Might be nice to get another equipment in.

Oh! Well that helps. What's the actual breakdown by colour/rarity? I thought the colourless had the same but it makes sense that they'd have less.


Common - I vote on cutting Long Journey, if it was an instant you could  save your own portent guys and maybe avoid the card disadvantage, but I prefer Gibbet Confinement anyway. I like having the possibility of the enchantment getting removed and rescuing your guy.

Uncommon - I'm loathe to remove our only real spell at uncommon. Rampart Ravens and Bound to Serve are basically creatures.

Rare - Sue for Peace might be a little less broken than Readjust, I guess maybe Leader of the Lost should stay?

80 Commons - 14 per colour, 10 colourless

36 Uncommons - 6 per colour, 6 colourless

24 Rares - 4 per colour, 4 colourless

Kieran Symington said:

Oh! Well that helps. What's the actual breakdown by colour/rarity? I thought the colourless had the same but it makes sense that they'd have less.

Looking at the breakdown, we could just add 1 coloured card to each colour and drop right down to just 1 colourless card at uncommon? A bit extreme, but might help us fit in all we want to!

I like cutting Readjust.  Completely fine with cutting Long Journey.  Cutting colorless at Uncommon works for me too.

Happy to reduce the colourless uncommons, but what would that one uncommon be? Stone Beast?

Seriously, though, I really like both Carromantic Candle and Tower Relic! And I'm not sure either can be allowed at common, even though there would only be one more of each! Especially as I just got the Candle bumped to rare!

Happy to cut Readjust and Long Journey from White!
Cut Readjust & Long Journey. Happy to cut Soul Lord of Anara too. I think one of the Soulsong rares should stay since it's White's only new keyworded ability - though I also don't want to lose Song of Anara or Astral Magus!

Astral Magus is a bit bomby.  Just sayin'

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