Our pod was cut down to 7 this week to even out the other drafts. Levi took the top spot with Ross in second and me third. Things are looking tight at the top of the leaderboard!
1 Ross 33
2 Ben 32
3 Kieran 21
4 Charlie 19
5 Levi 19
6 Russ 18
7 Nathan 14
8 Andrew 12
9 Maor 10
10 Simon 8
11 Rebecca 8
12 Ray 4
13 Dan Waine 4
14 Dan Royde 3
15 Marek 2
16 Amar 2
17 Paul 2
18 Phil 1
19 Allan 1
20 Joe 1
21 Mills 1
1. Ben
2. Ross
3. Kieran
4. Andrew
5. Levi
6. Amar
7. Russ
8. Charlie
You've got to draw the line somewhere. If you start accepting 10, why not 12? Having 8 people is a "normal" draft pod with normal tabling of cards etc.
There is always EDH.
On this occasion I agree with Mr Baker.
I prefer to do 8 man drafts of normal sets as by the time the pack wheels there is often little of value left.
But a cube draft will have things that are decent even in the last 2-3 cards.
So it should be fine to let 10 people draft cube.
EDIT: I thought I agreed with this but I actually don't!
The issue with 10 man pods is not about card quality. It's easy to see that you'll get the same card quality despite the number of people. It's more that you lose the strategy aspect of working out what will table when evaluating a pick.
That said as with all things NOBS related, I'm happy to put it to a vote on the night and make it a 10 man pod instead of 8. It's not like we are practising for the Pro Tour here!
Don't mess things up for me ... I am just too much of a hippy I guess and want everyone to be included in the group hug even at the detriment of the draft as a whole. But I will turn up early with my new EDH deck as I try once again to enjoy this terrible format and then either cube or M13 with the proles as is appropriate!
Power to the proles
what time is drafto time?
I think we are aiming for 6:45 tonight on the off chance that we can get two drafts in!
You must love EDH really since you always try to make it work! Get there early enough (ie around 5:30) and we might even let you play with our exclusive early arrivals EDH club where you can play against Ross' Talon Trooper deck!
Thomas David Baker said:
Don't mess things up for me ... I am just too much of a hippy I guess and want everyone to be included in the group hug even at the detriment of the draft as a whole. But I will turn up early with my new EDH deck as I try once again to enjoy this terrible format and then either cube or M13 with the proles as is appropriate!
If we get to 12, you can always run a pair of 6-man pods which, IMO is fine.
Also, when drafting cube I generally prefer to draft 4 packs of 11 - it's definitely NOT a big deal, but it rewards signalling better and makes for a more interesting draft, just thought I would throw that out there ;)
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