Anti-social behaviour is any aggressive, intimidating or destructive activity that damages or destroys another person's quality of life and can be summed up by the following statement - ‘Acting in a manner that caused or was likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons.’
Persons that are felt to have behaved in a manner that is demeed to be anti-social are likely to receive a ban, for a duration that is felt to be appropriate with the anti-social behaviour in question.
Behaviour that can be conisdered to be anti-social includes, but is not restricted to the following.
* Drug/substance misuse & dealing
Taking drugs
Sniffing volatile substances
Discarding needles/drug paraphernalia
Presence of dealers or users
* Sexual acts
Inappropriate sexualconduct
Indecent exposure
* Noise
Noisy neighbours
Loud music
* Rowdy behaviour
Shouting & swearing
Drunken behaviour
Hooliganism / loutish behaviour
* Nuisance behaviour
Urinating in public
Setting fires (not directed at specific persons or property)
Throwing missiles
Climbing on buildings / fixtures / furniture
Impeding access to communal areas
Games in restricted / inappropriate areas
* Intimidation / harassment
Groups or individuals making threats
Verbal abuse
Following people
Pestering people
Menacing gestures
* Can be on the grounds of:
Sexual orientation
* Criminal damage / vandalism
Damage to fixtures / furniture
Damage to buildings
* Litter/rubbish
Dropping litter
Dumping rubbish
Currently Banned under this policy (for the durations shown).
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