Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

I'm hoping to win the Power 9 card for highest finish of an unpowered deck. If you have any of these (especially those marked with a * which I can't find to buy anywhere) let me know!


4 Grizzly Bears
4 Runeclaw Bear
24 Forest


4 Ashcoat Bear
4 Balduvian Bears
4 Bear Cub*
4 Forest Bear*
4 Striped Bears
4 Bearscape

# Sideboard
3 Pale Bears
3 River Bear
3 Golden Bear
2 Razorclaw Bear*
2 Spectral Bears
2 Werebear

Yes, I am prepared to spend 10 Euros entering this competition if I can assemble this amazing deck!

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It's a good idea, but I'm afraid it gives away that you don't have much experience with this archetype.

Imagine the following opening hand:

Bear Cub, Grizzly Bears, Balduvian Bears, Striped Bears, Chrome Mox, Forest, Forest

Yes, you can make a Turn 1 Bear Cub which is gamebreaking BUT what would you imprint?

Grizzly Bears? No way, that guy could come out next turn and be attacking for 2 the turn after that.
Balduvian Bears? This guy has protection from Duress and trades with Dark Confidant. Can't lose him.
Striped Bears? And take the risk of having no Turn 4 play?! Can't be done.

So probably now you can see the problem. The card quality is so high that imprinting anything actually reduces the power of the deck.

stevie_b said:
What about chrome mox for some first turn bear beats?
I love this deck it is indeed balls deep, there's no other way to play
if you have nothing to imprint might want to invest in a black lotus and a green mox, turn 1 bear cub AND turn one Striped Bears? now tha'ts ownage
Honestly Nathan I know you're trying to help but I've worked on this deck for 35 years now and I know that there's no room maindeck for a Black Lotus. I've tried hard to fit it in but it just doesn't pull it's weight compared to, say, Forest Bear.
Nice deck. But wouldnt you rather play GR pandemonium? I beat a vintage dredge deck with this list one time..:

4 magus of the vineyard
4 wall of roots
4 primal forcemage
4 groudbreaker
4 timbermare

4 might of old krosa
4 pact of the titan
4 pandemonium
4 something else I cant remember :(

Best block deck ever. Go on. You know you want to.

Also note that you will surely lose the no power prize to the vintage dredge decks?
If you played Words of Wilding you could guarantee yourself a bear every turn instead of possibly drawing a useless land!
Have you seen the G/w Vintage bear list Tom?
Oh man, are you going to spoil my dream by telling me this has been done before?

Paul Laudano said:
Have you seen the G/w Vintage bear list Tom?
I have the ashcoats, 1 cub iirc, 1 bearscape (careful, i love this card waaaaay too much to ever lose it! - it just has too many bears in it!)
Let me know if you still need them as I will have to get them next time I am in South Wales.
(Except for the Bearscape - that one lives under my pillow)
No Viridian LoreBEARers against the artifact decks !?!

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