Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Edit: Having read the semifinal and final reports turns out he never played a Skeletal Wurm in either match :P

Florian Koch 2-0'ed every match in Top 8 with 2 Skeletal Wurm in his maindeck and Lavafume Invoker, Lagac Lizard, Virulent Swipe, Wrap in Flames, Vent Sentinel and Zof Shade in his sideboard.

Of course he had triple Vendetta so maybe it was wrong but it didn't matter.  But I found that curious.

Also, Bloodrite Invoker over Lavafume Invoker?

I guess he had bad creatures and good removal and decided to use them as stand-in Eldrazi in a live-to-make-a-giant-thing plan.

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I prefer Bloodrite Invoker over Lavafume Invoker. By the time you get to 8 mana, drain 3 is usually more relevant than +3/+0. Unless you've drafted the RG tokens deck, the power pump isn't going to have as much of an impact and is far more conditional. Bloodrite has won me a few games, and Lavafume has always been underwhelming.

I think for Koch (what an unfortunate name), it's was just a case of Removal Deck Wins. I definitely would've had those vent sentinels in though, at least for the two Escaped Nulls.
More importantly, in his removal based deck a 3/1 is so much better than a 2/2.... and the nulls were good in his recurring trips vendetta life loss.dec

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