Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

I received a LOAD of product* for a new trading card board game, "X610z" from the game's designer to review and give feedback on, but need some other interested people to give it a spin with me for 2-3 hours in the next month sometime.


I've not read the rules in detail yet (see link above), however from the look of it a lot of the mechanics are similar to Magic (energy crystals=lands, summons=creatures), only your "summons" are also represented on a game board by plastic pieces, which you move around to do stuff. Oh, and it has a futuristic space theme.


Anyone up for it?


(* = 2 player starter box, 4 more starter decks with game pieces, and 2 booster boxes - If you give it a go with me, you can keep some of it for future)


PS: Apparently you can draft it!





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Hey all - have now received the new version of this, now as a lightly customisable 2-4 player "out of the box" game rather than a full-on TCG, renamed "Existenz", and with a much nicer heavy playing board rather than the roll-up plastic-laminate thing from before.

Shout if you'd like to give it a go sometime. It basically plays like Magic, only you and your creatures move around on a board, and you have an additional (primary) victory condition of getting your own piece to an end dot.

i am so game! i never got to play the previous incarnation but i love these kinds of games

Does it have any association with the TERRIBLE movie by the same name?

existenz was the one where they are trapped in a lethal computer simulation or something, right?

None whatsoever!

Ben Titmarsh said:

Does it have any association with the TERRIBLE movie by the same name?

Sounds a lot like Summoner Wars

Summoner wars looks good man.

Dan I recall playing that for ages with capain slow (Royde) in the Pendrall, I think we all said that it had potential but the board was hugely annoying, glad they listened to the feedback

I'm up for this in theory. Any chance of doing it the day before GP Manchester?

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