Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Which of you made it to Leicester or Reading or Southampton?

How did you do? What did you play? What did you play against? Did Gary manage to cadge a lift?

Did you win it for the team? Or simply chuck away ratings points?

We need to know!

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i went to southampton gpt. went 3-2 (about 20 players - 1 slot) but my tiebreakers were not good enough to let me into top8. only one 3-2 made it.

roque made top8 but dont know any more as i left - am still pretty tired and hungover from saturday!

it was really weird - the TO didnt have enough product so limited it to 20 people AND we built from 1 x shards, 2 x conflux and 3 x reborn. i faced one guy with DOUBLE behemoth sledge - ugh!
Bull Cerodon is a trap!!!

Congrats on the semi, anyway. There's a PTQ in Southampton soon-ish.
I represented the london massiv in leicester along with roydie, pete, pepe and carlos - scrubbed out of the ptq with g/b eleves but then showed everyone who's boss with a 3-0 draft

pretty average g/w beatdown deck splashing red for bloodbraid and a sixth (?) pick branching bolt - quite amazing how bad the rest of the country is at drafting compared to london

when we left buchanan (g/b elves) and blandy (faeries) were contesting the final
Blandy one. Which is good.

stevie_b said:
I represented the london massiv in leicester along with roydie, pete, pepe and carlos - scrubbed out of the ptq with g/b eleves but then showed everyone who's boss with a 3-0 draft

pretty average g/w beatdown deck splashing red for bloodbraid and a sixth (?) pick branching bolt - quite amazing how bad the rest of the country is at drafting compared to london

when we left buchanan (g/b elves) and blandy (faeries) were contesting the final
What was less good was me pretty much choosing to lose to Rob in the last round, rather than top 8.
Pete ID'ing himself into 9th and Carlos failing to win any of his last 3 rounds for top8.

That Ginger One said:
Blandy one. Which is good.

stevie_b said:
I represented the london massiv in leicester along with roydie, pete, pepe and carlos - scrubbed out of the ptq with g/b eleves but then showed everyone who's boss with a 3-0 draft

pretty average g/w beatdown deck splashing red for bloodbraid and a sixth (?) pick branching bolt - quite amazing how bad the rest of the country is at drafting compared to london

when we left buchanan (g/b elves) and blandy (faeries) were contesting the final

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