Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Cube Masters Series | Building The Cube | Green

Philosophy of Green
Mana dorks, mana fixing and fatties. Green needs to take the roll of fixing, but without diluting it's powerlevel with a large majority of mana-fixing cards. It needs to offer good creature support for all strategies, from weenie to finishers, as well as powerful spells for a control splash.
Mana fixing
Brutal Creatures




Treetop Village

Skyshroud Elite
Wild Nacatl
Pouncing Jaguar
Arbor Elves
Noble Hierarch
Joraga Treespeaker
Birds of Paradise

Survival of the Fittest
Sylvan Library
Wall of Roots
Wall of Blossoms
Sakura-tribe Elder
Lotus Cobra
Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary
Viridian Emissary
Viridian Zealot
River Boa
Fauna Shaman

Krosan Grip
Mul Daya Channellers
Great Sable Stag
Imperious Perfect
Call of the Herd
Yavimaya Elder
Troll Ascetic
Eternal Witness

Garruk Wildspeaker
Stonewood Invocation
Chameleon Colossus
Phantom Centaur
Thrun, the last troll
Wickerbough Elder

Plow Under
Primal Command
Deranged Hermit
Acidic Slime

Mold Shambler
Primevil Titan
Rude awakening


Green Sun's Zenith


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Just off the top of my head, maybe Terastodon or Woodfall Primus instead of Rude Awakening. Same cost, and you can ramp/reanimate into them.


At 1CC, you have all the mana dorks but not all of the aggressive guys, like Jungle Lion and Pouncing Jaguar. I think it makes sense to run those if you're running Wild Nacatl.


Acidic Slime is a great guy and probably deserves a spot. Likewise with Kodama of the North Tree.


Krosan Grip is so so good. I'd find a spot for it. 

You should probalby replace your Llanowar Elves with Arbor Elf since as you're including the dual lands his ability is slightly better when it comes to mana production.

I love the hell out of Rude Awakening, and it's one of the cards that I most dread out of a slower green deck.

Scute Mob and Silhana Ledgewalker seem too 'cute' to me. Also agree that at the moment Green is all mana and top end (leaving some of the pump a little stranded probably). It's very much the 'Rock' side of green to the max, all mana guys into 4/4s. No Tarmogoyf? One possibility is to replace some of the mana guys with more aggro-friendly mana guys (for example, 2-power 2-drops like Rofellos or Viridian Emissary)


Some general brainstorming for creatures at the lower end of the scale - Albino Troll, Beastbreaker of Bala Ged, Blurred/Nimble Mongoose, Werebear, Dryad Sophisticate, Master of the Wild Hunt, Garruk's Companion, Lotus Cobra, Skyshroud Elite, Vinelasher Kudzu, Great Sable Stag, Imperious Perfect, Viridian Shaman


Def agree on Grip, Slime, and more aggressive cheap guys in general, and probably one of Primus or The Big (although I'd like to keep Rude Awakening as mentioned already.)

Goyf should definitely be there - edited.


God I hate doing this while trying to work at the same time!!!




I agree with everything - I'm going to move green away from mana dorks and towards more support for aggro/midrange.

Tom Reeve said:

I love the hell out of Rude Awakening, and it's one of the cards that I most dread out of a slower green deck.

Scute Mob and Silhana Ledgewalker seem too 'cute' to me. Also agree that at the moment Green is all mana and top end (leaving some of the pump a little stranded probably). It's very much the 'Rock' side of green to the max, all mana guys into 4/4s. No Tarmogoyf? One possibility is to replace some of the mana guys with more aggro-friendly mana guys (for example, 2-power 2-drops like Rofellos or Viridian Emissary)


Some general brainstorming for creatures at the lower end of the scale - Albino Troll, Beastbreaker of Bala Ged, Blurred/Nimble Mongoose, Werebear, Dryad Sophisticate, Master of the Wild Hunt, Garruk's Companion, Lotus Cobra, Skyshroud Elite, Vinelasher Kudzu, Great Sable Stag, Imperious Perfect, Viridian Shaman


Def agree on Grip, Slime, and more aggressive cheap guys in general, and probably one of Primus or The Big (although I'd like to keep Rude Awakening as mentioned already.)

Oh man. Forgot Tooth & Nail. Might be too expensive, might not be. But yeah, green definitely does want mana dorks and ramp spells, it just also likes attacking for 2 :D (Or sometimes 3, I guess...) Mana dorks that ramp multiple mana and/or can also attack and be aggressive are pretty much the dream (Cobra, Viridian Emissary etc etc.)

Muldaya Channellers?


I think T&N is too expensive, and there's a lack of really spicey top end targets (no Akroma etc).

Tom Reeve said:

Oh man. Forgot Tooth & Nail. Might be too expensive, might not be. But yeah, green definitely does want mana dorks and ramp spells, it just also likes attacking for 2 :D (Or sometimes 3, I guess...) Mana dorks that ramp multiple mana and/or can also attack and be aggressive are pretty much the dream (Cobra, Viridian Emissary etc etc.)
Thrun, the last troll.  Surely this guy is rather good
He's there. Think your internet is broken again Glen.   ;)

Glenn Goldsworthy said:
Thrun, the last troll.  Surely this guy is rather good
sorry will just give up commenting to be honest, sodding works internet
Wild Dogs for aggro and Iwamori for mid-range aggro?

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