We are doing this in our Multiverse app:
(Old shared Google spreadsheet for this is here:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ag7TtjWsLhYkdHBBUHF4RG... )
Channel Fireball just did Top 8 Mechanics:
* Retrace
* Dredge
* Landfall (not for attacking like Steppe Lynx - Grazing Gladehart and Roil Elemental style)
* Scry
* Flashback
* Kicker
* Flying
* Cycling
I wonder if we could use that, or some of that, as the basis of You Make the Set 5. I know that some of you were keen on Landfall.
Not sure when we would play it out but some time in late May probably?
Agree 100% Ross but all of those examples are overpowered! Think Commons!
Agree 100% Ross but all of those examples are overpowered! Think Commons!
a flat NO from me
ross miles said:
Agree they were silly, but clearly we can make green feeling things that are less silly
Thomas David Baker said:Agree 100% Ross but all of those examples are overpowered! Think Commons!
OK I just added every card (and reprint!) that I had lurking in files.
We're up to 239 cards. 113 Commons, 84 Uncommons (my fault), 28 Rares, 6 Mythics (shall we just not have Mythics?), 1 Super Mythic
Now I'm going to go through and review everyone else's cards and add some comments ...
snap - review time
I wouldn't have removed them, let others see your dull designs and critique them :-)
Seriously though I think that we probably need some dull cards, not every card can be a winner all the time. Plus you never know when a card you think is dull is actually amazing to somebody else.
Kieran Symington said:
Just did a massive cull of my own stuff - anything I thought wasn't interesting enough has been removed. Hopefully I didn't accidentally remove anyone else's designs by mistake!
nothing wrong with vanilla dudes and boring basic spells - not everything has to be shiny
Simon O'Keeffe said:
I wouldn't have removed them, let others see your dull designs and critique them :-)
Seriously though I think that we probably need some dull cards, not every card can be a winner all the time. Plus you never know when a card you think is dull is actually amazing to somebody else.
Kieran Symington said:Just did a massive cull of my own stuff - anything I thought wasn't interesting enough has been removed. Hopefully I didn't accidentally remove anyone else's designs by mistake!
My retrace stuff tried its very hardest to be simple. One of them has already been banned by two commenters without playtesting, though!
Just make it a sorcery, then it becomes a nice skill tester...
Kieran Symington said:
I don't think we need playtesting to tell us that a spell that says "all your land draws are counterspells" is pretty busted. Imagine if your opponent has that in their graveyard - you can't play any spells into open mana because all the cards in their hand might be counterspells!
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