Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

We are doing this in our Multiverse app:

(Old shared Google spreadsheet for this is here: )

Channel Fireball just did Top 8 Mechanics:

* Retrace

* Dredge

* Landfall (not for attacking like Steppe Lynx - Grazing Gladehart and Roil Elemental style)

* Scry

* Flashback

* Kicker

* Flying

* Cycling

I wonder if we could use that, or some of that, as the basis of You Make the Set 5.  I know that some of you were keen on Landfall.

Not sure when we would play it out but some time in late May probably?

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I thought it was vanilla 5/2s for 4!

In other news my stupid train is now 10 minutes late!

Thomas David Baker said:

Black's theme is manipulating the top of your library with alternate costs!

In other news my boss is calling an all hands project meeting this morning (US time) that I have to be present at.  I have told him I am going out at 6.30pm (UK time).  But there is no way he is going to get it organized and finish it by then.  So difficulties may arise.  I wish there was some wifi at the County I could use to Skype in then I could come now ...

Various conclusions from last night's testing.  I'll add notes to the cards where they are card-specific.

More generally:

* The Centaur mechanic is irreconcilable with Portent and we have chosen to keep Portent.  G now needs a theme at common and a bunch of new cards.

* B is no longer "the other Portent color" but is instead graveyard/self-mill focused.

* We have decided to give every color except W (and an artifact) Foreshadow at common and to have Portent cards in all colors except W.  U is still the main Portent color and will have two commons that give Foreshadow.

* We are upping the number of commons in each color to 14.  The distribution in the printed set is going to be 3x80 commons + 2x36 uncommons + 1x24 rares with 14 card boosters and a total of 336 cards, 140 different cards.  Those numbers can be tweaked but that's what we're aiming for currently.

* Number of common creatures by color in the new skeleton: 10 W, 6 U, 8 B, 7 R, 9 G.

* Themes at common are W Lifegain/Soulsong, U Library Manipulation/Portent, B Graveyard/Self-Mill, R Looting/Madness, G Unknown.

* We are generally pretty close to complete on W, U, and B commons.

* We like our R commons but need a few more.

* We like our colorless commons but need a few more.

* We'd like a cycle of five lands at common in the 10 colorless slots rather than 10 artifacts if we can think of anything we want to print there.

I was thinking we could possibly just give every Centaur Foreshadow and then give them abilities if the top card is a creature. Less annoying than temporary revealing, works better with Portent (though it needs other colours for library manipulation) and means the other colours can have Centaurs as their Forseight guys with abilities dependant on the top card.
Also I can't log in to the 'verse today. I just get this:

{"response":{"request":{"date":"Wed, 06 Jun 2012 10:34:09 +0200","resource":"\/socialize\/undefined\/changes\/","status":{"flag":"error","code":404,"info":"The specified resource does not exist: http:\/\/\/"}}}}

Sort it out Baker!

I made some changes to login yesterday (so you can see the entire site without being logged in but always get prompted to sign in if you try to change something).  Please clear your cache/Ctrl-Shift-Refresh to get the latest javascript and you should be golden.

Flavor-wise I like it.  All Centaurs can see a few seconds into the future or something like that.  Maybe something to do with when they were transformed from men into centaurs.  (I looooove the version of Cyclops' where they traded their eye for knowing the future if we want to go Cyclops not Centaur!)

The question is how much are we going to dock a Centaur for having Foreshadow?  We can't print a 3/3 for 2G with Foreshadow I don't think because then he goes in a UG deck that gets free cards every couple of turns.  But similarly without a bunch of Portent you don't want to play a 2/2 for 2G with Foreshadow.

G - 1/1 Foreshadow.  If top card is a creature, Deathtouch.

G - 1/1 Foreshadow.  If top card is a creature, +1/+1.

1G - 2/1 Foreshadow.  If top card is a creature, +1/+1.

2G - 2/3 Foreshadow.  If top card is a creature, Reach.

3G - 3/3 Foreshadow.  If top card is a creature, +1/+1.

4G - 4/4 Foreshadow.  If top card is a creature, Trample.

Something like that?  These might be a bit nutty?

Clearing the cache was the first thing I did! I do pay attention to you sometimes.

Sorry, I see the problem, will fix.  It works in Chrome if you have that.

The new 'Centaurs' look pretty decent - the extra effect is a nice bonus on an already playable creature and I especially like the Deathtouch one. Fits with what I wanted to do for the Red and White ones as well. I also kind of like the idea of making their creature type Cyclops instead. Looks like yet another mass creature-type update for Green!

Fixed the login issue.  Please let me know if you have problems.

Getting quite excited about Cyclopses despite the awkwardness of their plural!

Cyclopi ?

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