Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

We are doing this in our Multiverse app:

(Old shared Google spreadsheet for this is here: )

Channel Fireball just did Top 8 Mechanics:

* Retrace

* Dredge

* Landfall (not for attacking like Steppe Lynx - Grazing Gladehart and Roil Elemental style)

* Scry

* Flashback

* Kicker

* Flying

* Cycling

I wonder if we could use that, or some of that, as the basis of You Make the Set 5.  I know that some of you were keen on Landfall.

Not sure when we would play it out but some time in late May probably?

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It's working now. Yay!

Also, the plural of Cyclops is (for some reason) Cyclopes!

Sloth = Legendary Cyclops

Kieran Symington said:

It's working now. Yay!

Also, the plural of Cyclops is (for some reason) Cyclopes!
I've made new cards for every colour today except Green. Not getting my fingerprints on that train wreck right now...
Gone crazy for Cyclopes and made a bunch of them in green. Mostly based on Tom's from above.

Awesome.  I don't think you can call a singular Cyclopes something-Cyclope, though, can you?

The names definately need work. I can only do good names for non-creatures. Where's Simon when you need him?

Sorry, work is busy. I'll take a look tonight.


Thomas David Baker said:

Awesome.  I don't think you can call a singular Cyclopes something-Cyclope, though, can you?

So I did a little background reading on Cyclopes. There isn't much out there on them. In Greek myth there are two generations, the initial had only 3 cyclopes and they were basically blacksmiths who were imprisoned in Tartarus. Zeus set them free and they made his lightning bolts.

The second generation are more of what we might commonly think of as cyclopes, and are mentioned in Homer's Odyssey. They are a race of one-eyed giants, mostly farmers.

The only mention of cyclopes relating to giving up their eye to see the future I found indicated that the only thing of the future they could see was the moment of their death.

So nothing that is a really good fit for our green cards, but not really important as we can define Cyclopes however we like (it is worth noting that all existing Cyclops creatures in Magic are red or black). Centaurs were definitely easier :-)

Forget about Greek Mythology and think KRULLLLLLL!

Yes, that's where they gave up their eye to see the future but only got to see the time of their own death.  The Cyclops in it is cool and dies to help everyone and knows it is coming all along.  It's kind of sweet.

Perhaps our Cyclopes are what is left of the Green Tower after they gave their eye to see the future, saw the future, saw that bad things were going to happen to people in towers and brought it down.

I'm concerned that foresight+ on loads of common creatures in a color means you only ever want to be UG (doubling up on Portent enablers and manipulating your library to get a creature on top) but we should definitely test these guys as they are possibly quite cool.  We can always split them into Cyclopes (reveal top) and Centaurs (bonus based on top) if it proves too good.

Proxies are now available from the menu on the site.  I haven't linked them to individual cards just one big spoiler for now.

Wowzers, I just snuck away for a few days camping and its all change here! Like the one eyed idea, and the idea of splitting the reveal and power bonus abilities

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