Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Thanks Jason!

You will earn a WPN Promo card if you reach 10 wins + matches played. So if you play everyone and muster up a single win you will get a card. If you play 5 matches and win them all you will also get a card. If you can somehow play 10 matches and win them all then you can get two ... I guess that will have to wait for Season Two.

I'm really not sure what the cards are - possibly Rise from the Grave and Mind Control?? Hopefully we will be able to do this with each season of the league.

Booster prizes remain as before.

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It will be good because the next relevant constructed season is extnded and we should do it after zendikar is released. we will also have PT Austin decks to use in our testing as i believe the format is Extended with Zendikar.

I think we can also get at least 8 for a legacy league.

Simon O Keefe
Guy i was playing legacy with yesterday!
Tom Baker (up for anything!)
Other guy who plays legacy at TGC (long black hair, never drafts)
2 more people from this forum!
Heh, I thought you knew who that guy was you were playing yesterday.

Amar Dattani said:
It will be good because the next relevant constructed season is extnded and we should do it after zendikar is released. we will also have PT Austin decks to use in our testing as i believe the format is Extended with Zendikar.

I think we can also get at least 8 for a legacy league.

Simon O Keefe
Guy i was playing legacy with yesterday!
Tom Baker (up for anything!)
Other guy who plays legacy at TGC (long black hair, never drafts)
2 more people from this forum!
i know him - ive played him a bunch of times. just dont know his name!
i play eternal formats!
I could bring some proxy Legacy decks to Prague if you're up for a few games.

Nathan Gotlib said:
i play eternal formats!
oh i thought you don't play legacy, only vintage!
cool - nathan is the 7th person!
I played Vintage with Tom and didn't like it. Legacy is more fun!

Amar Dattani said:
oh i thought you don't play legacy, only vintage!
cool - nathan is the 7th person!
i agree - im not the biggest vintage fan. i feel legacy is still interactive and still has cool cards etc.
I have dabbled a small bit, wouldn't mind dabbling a little more!
Cool, hoping to start it soon as we already have quite a few people in the league. SIgn up in discussion and look around the internet as to which deck you want to play.
You can now sign up for the Legacy league! Send your decklist to before Friday to join. More details here and on the homepage.

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