We are doing this in our Multiverse app:
(Old shared Google spreadsheet for this is here:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ag7TtjWsLhYkdHBBUHF4RG... )
Channel Fireball just did Top 8 Mechanics:
* Retrace
* Dredge
* Landfall (not for attacking like Steppe Lynx - Grazing Gladehart and Roil Elemental style)
* Scry
* Flashback
* Kicker
* Flying
* Cycling
I wonder if we could use that, or some of that, as the basis of You Make the Set 5. I know that some of you were keen on Landfall.
Not sure when we would play it out but some time in late May probably?
hmm, added a 2/2 zombie with intimidate & graveyard trigger
Okay for the blue common slot we are missing a Sorcery, and the notes we didn't hit so far: SHRINKING (sometimes), TWIDDLING (sometimes), SHROUD (always - cold give it to Tower Sentinels?), ISLANDWALK (sometimes), FLASH (sometimes)
So I'm guessing a sorcery that gives shroud? Err, nonbo.
Twiddling and shrinking also suck at sorcery speed. Perhaps we deviate from the skeleton a little here to fill this spot. Could always bring back the much loved Inspirationist although that gives us way to many fliers.
Milling is the other option although both cards we have made with that look fairly dangerous. (Mental Collapse and Unravelling Thoughts)
So I took a stab at the uncommons to get some movement on them:
Uncommon skeleton:
(W needs to support:
Major: Soulsong, Life Gain
Minor: a way to win with life gain)
UW01 - creature, small, soulsong - REVERENT CAPTAIN
UW02 - creature, small, flying - GLUTTONOUS LARK
UW03 - creature, small, life gain - ZEALOUS PROTECTOR
UW04 - creature, medium - VITAL LIBRARIAN
UW05 - instant - CENSURE
No room for: Anara Gateward, Anara Conjurer, Vigourous Study, Soul Mantra, Song of Anara, Rampart Ravens
(U needs to support:
Major: Portent, portent enabling/foresight
Minor: Discard/looting, scry)
UU01 - creature, small, portent, looting - DEEPWATER LOON
UU02 - creature, medium, flying, portent - PORTENTIOUS SHRIKE
UU03 - instant, portent -
UU04 - instant, card draw/selection, scry - SCRYPULSE
UU05 - instant, - INSPIRATIONIST (cheating here)
Problems - No foresight, We have so many creatures and very few spells. I had to cheat the skeleton a little to fill two slots
No room for: Spellslinging Augur, Ripple Seer, Blue Tower Scribe, Impossible Horror
(B needs to support:
Major: Graveyard, self mill
Minor: Portent)
UB01 - creature, small, portent - CORRUPT SEER
UB02 - creature, small/medium, graveyard - ROTTING MESSENGER
UB03 - creature, medium/large - ENVIOUS GHAST
UB04 - instant, removal, graveyard - TAKE DOWN
UB05 - sorcery, graveyard - VITUPERATION OF FLESH
UB06 - enchantment, self mill - ESSENCE EXCHANGE
Problems: no actual Portent, no sacrifice outlet
No room for: Great Tower Bat, Dalgath Ghastcaller, Vault Prophet, Brain Feaster, Mirror Ghoul, Abortionist
(R needs to support:
Major: Looting/Madness, burn
Minor: Efficient aggro, mindstorm)
UR01 - creature, small, looting - LOOTER ELDER
UR02 - creature, small, burn - GOBLIN ARCHER
UR03 - creature, medium, portent - CONJURER OF TOMORROW
UR04 - instant, madness - WASTREL's WRATH
UR05 - instant, looting - DISDAINFUL RESEARCH
UR06 - sorcery, mindstorm - EMPTY THE LIBRARIES
Problems: No actual Portent, no medium sized creature, Wastrel's Wrath should maybe be a rare?
No room for: Charm-Clad Brute, Spiteful Goblin, Hissing Conspirator, Soulstoking, Ludicrous Blunder, Ransack the Shelves
(G needs to support:
Major: Foresight, fatties
Minor: Portent, Fights, play while searching ?)
UG01 - creature, small, portent - DREAMRIVER BOA / DIVINING DRUID
UG02 - creature, small/medium - CENTAUR NULLIFIER
UG03 - creature, medium, foresight - CYCLOPS MOONSEER
UG04 - creature, large - BEAR GANG COMMANDER
UG06 - sorcery, portent - RALLYING CRY
Problems: Only 1 instant and 1 sorcery to choose! No portent cards yet
No room for: Bearback Rider, Magehunter Wolf, Arena Champion
(Artifacts/Multicolour/Lands need to support:
Major: Foresight, Portent
Minor: ?)
UC01 - creature, small, foresight -
UC02 - creature, large, portent -
UC03 - artifact, equipment -
UC04 - mana fixing - TOWER RELIC
Problems - Forcing Searing Meditation in, no cards to choose from!
Big holes are blue spells and artifacts, and cards with Portent
Baker, what time will this Football/Magic box social start?
I'm here all day. I have a very short meeting at 5.30 so come any time after that? Whatever works.
I will have it on here. Meeting is 2 mins. So feel free to come here for Germany-Portugal.
Also I have solved my laptop-is-my-TV problem by hooking it up to my 30" monitor I had forgotten about :)
Should be able to get there around 6:30 trains depending
I'll be there around 6pm depending on if I get lost in the wilds of Pimlico or not.
Good testing session last night, think we need to do something with Blue but not sure what. Red is possibly too synergistic, the discard = damage guys seem pretty busted.
The white lifegain enchantment I think should maybe be a creature so that it's more easily removable, possibly limit it to once per turn as well as there are a number of lifegain effects that cost 0 mana. The 2/2 guy in Innistrad is strong, but not totally bonkers, because making the power < 2 guy to trigger him generally costs 1/2/3 mana.
I think U by it's nature needs another color to support it. All that card drawing and faffing about will be fine when you also have a steady supply of big G creatures or whatever to go with it.
I still have the gut feel that the foresight and the benefit-from-creature-on-top-of-library abilities should separated in G commons but no real evidence that it is necessary.
I thought in general our chosen commons are standing the test of being played with and it's our uncommons/rares (mostly mine!) where the brokenness and terribleness lives now.
More specifically I have a bunch of opinons about some of our uncommons now that I'll add to multiverse. (Agreed that we should retire Vigorous Study in favor of Vital Librarian. Also have thoughts on the similar build around me uncommons.)
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