Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

I often talk about how in a design there is a moment when you realize that you have done something that will define the environment. Early in landfall playtesting, I had a moment where the game hinged on me drawing a land. I didn't want a spell. I needed a land, any land. I sat there talking to my deck saying, "Just give me a land. I know this is the time where I normally say 'Don't give me a land,' but things are different. A land wins me the game. Please, please, please, be a land." ... That's when I knew we had our moment. When the game gets turned on its ear and you're hoping for the exact opposite thing from what you normally do, I know we've managed to shift the game to someplace pretty interesting. (Source)

Zendikar is Rob's set! This convinces me even more that we are perfectly capable of making our own set for this game. Or our own Cube as Nicolo suggested. We should do that! The Demonic Tutor custom Cube of made up cards!

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James and I already know all about the land being the win...

We were both ONE PLAINS away from day two :(

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