Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

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Black Lotus
Blinkmoth Nexus
Burning Inquiry
Calciform Pools
Chancellor of the Annex
Crucible of Worlds
Emrakul, the Aeon's Torn
Ensnaring Bridge
Force of Will
Gitaxian Probe
Hickory Woodlot
Laboratory Maniac
Leyline of Sanctity
Mishra's Factory
Mishra's Workshop
Scalding Tongs
Strip Mine
The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale
Volcanic Island


Name        P   W   D   L   F   A   P
Simon 38 24 6 8 49 17 78 ★★
Tom 38 20 7 11 42 24 67 ★★
Thom 32 15 8 9 32 20 53 ★★
Louis 38 15 8 15 32 33 53
Kieran 38 13 10 15 27 30 49
Phil 21 12 4 5 26 12 40 ★
Charlie 21 10 4 7 21 15 34
Levi 20 3 6 11 8 24 15
Ross 38 2 3 33 4 66 9

Views: 307

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submitted! this round i have not tried to next-level especially, just built something that beats the decks from the previous round.

I didn't even do that!

I just submitted something new.

Philip Dickinson said:

submitted! this round i have not tried to next-level especially, just built something that beats the decks from the previous round.

Preliminary results for R7.  Please check!

City of Traitors
Chalice of the Void
Leyline of Ancitipation
Steel Overseer

Leyline of Singularity
Mox Sapphire
Meddling Mage

Bazaar of Baghdad
Fiery Temper
Ulamog, the Infinite Gryre

City of Traitors
Isochron Scepter
Lightning Helix
Elixir of Immortality

Phyrexian Dreadnought
Mental Misstep
Saprazzan Skerry

Sapprazan Skerry
Mox Pearl
Talon Trooper
Glint Hawk

The Rack
Mental Misstep

Mana Crypt
City of Traitors
Lodestone Golem
Arcbound Ravager

Charlie 0 - 0 Phil
Charlie can make chalice for 0 but cant win through karakas.

Charlie 0 - 2 Kieran
Temper kills Overseer, then Charlie.

Charlie 0 - 2 Simon
Overseer cannot live through Lightning Helix.

Charlie 2 - 0 James
Charlie's Chalice of the Void for 1 stops James' entire deck.

Charlie 2 - 0 Ross
Chalice for zero stops Ross ever resolving anything.

Charlie 0 - 1 Thom
Thom wins on the play by leading with The Rack. Charlie forces the draw on the play by leading with Chalice for 1 forcing Thom to Wasteland City of Traitors.

Charlie 2 - 0 Tom
Tom cannot resolve Mana Crypt because of Chalice of the Void for 0. Overseer beats Ravager.

Phil 2 - 0 Kieran
Phil locks out Fiery Temper with Meddling Mage.

Phil 0 - 1 Simon
Phil on the play prevents Scepter being played but can't kill through Elixir.   On the draw Helix kills Mage.

Phil 2 - 0 James
Phil can bounce Dreadnought and beat down with Meddling Mage.

Phil 2 - 0 Ross
On the play Phil names Mox Pearl and wins.  On the draw he names Talon Trooper, bounces Glint Hawk and wins.

Phil 1 - 1 Thom

On the play Thom leads with the rack.  Phil can't race it with meddling mage, so next turn Phil can cast Chronomaton and Phil can't use Karakas to bounce it because then the rack kills him.  Or if Phil doesn't Leyline Thom casts T1 Chronomaton and kill him that way.  On the draw T1 meddling mage on The Rack wins for Phil.

Phil 2 - 0 Tom
On the play Phil names Mana Crypt and Mage beats Ravager. On the draw resolve Mox through Golem, Tom takes 3 (17) Phil takes 5 (15) make Ravager sac Mana Crypt, resolve Mage naming Golem, Phil takes 7 (8), do nothing, Phil bounces Golem, Golem sac'ed to Ravager, do nothing, Ravager attacks and is bounced. Meddling Mage beatdown.

Kieran 0 - 2 Simon
Lots of Fiery Tempers is worse than lots of Lightning Helices.

Kieran 0 - 2 James
11/11 beats harder than 3 a turn.

Kieran 2 - 0 Ross
Kieran kills both threats then Ross at his leisure.

Kieran 0 - 2 Thom
Thom can Wasteland Bazaar turnig off Kieran's engine after resolving The Rack and then Chronomaton. Kieran dies to Chronomaton or The Rack, his choice.

Kieran 0 - 2 Tom
Kieran can never resolve Fiery Temper after Lodestone Golem hits play.

Simon 0 - 2 James
Simon deals 3 and gains 3 every turn. Dreadnought deals 11 each turn. Dreadnought doesn't attack until turn 3. On the play Simon can get James to 2 before dying.

Simon 2 - 0 Ross
Simon kills both of Ross' creatures and kills at his leisure.

Simon 0 - 2 Thom

Simon can't play out scepter because then Thom casts The Rack and Wastelands him the next turn.  So Thom casts The Rack then follows up with Chronomaton.  Simon can't make scepter and kill it in the same turn so Thom leaves up Wasteland and beats down with a 1/1.

Simon 0 - 2 Tom

Golem prevents either Scepter (play) or a copy of Lightning Helix (draw) ever being cast.

James 2 - 0 Ross

Dreadnought beats faster than birdies.

James 0 - 1 Thom
On the play Thom can resolve a threat then Wasteland Skerry. On the draw he must Wasteland Skerry immediately to force the draw.

James 0 - 2 Tom
James can never resolve Dreadnought because of t1 Lodestone Golem.

Thom 0 - 2 Tom
Thom has to frantically charge Chronomaton but he can never get big enough to block a 7/5 Golem in time.

Ross 0 - 2 Thom
Thom Mental Missteps t1 Glint Hawk and makes t1 Chronomaton. Ross makes t2 Talon Trooper. Thom makes The Rack. Chronomaton + The Rack outrace Talon Trooper.

Ross 0 - 2 Tom
Ross can never make Talon Trooper because of Lodestone Golem. Lodestone Golem + Ravager outrace Glint Hawk.

Phil 19
Tom 13
Thom 13
Simon 12
James 9
Charlie 9
Kieran 6
Ross 0

You haven't put the decklists up!


City of Traitors
Chalice of the Void
Leyline of Ancitipation
Steel Overseer

Leyline of Singularity
Mox Sapphire
Meddling Mage

Bazaar of Baghdad
Fiery Temper
Ulamog, the Infinite Gryre

City of Traitors
Isochron Scepter
Lightning Helix
Elixir of Immortality

Phyrexian Dreadnought
Mental Misstep
Saprazzan Skerry

Sapprazan Skerry
Mox Pearl
Talon Trooper
Glint Hawk

The Rack
Mental Misstep

Mana Crypt
City of Traitors
Lodestone Golem
Arcbound Ravager

karakas only bounces creatures so Phil's results are wrong.

i think I beat simon play or draw.

He can't play out scepter because then I cast the rack and then wasteland him the next turn. 

So I cast the rack. Then follow up with Chronomaton, simon can't make scepter and kill it in the same turn so I leave up wasteland and beat down with a 1/1

Against phil

On the play I lead with the rack.  He can't race it with meddling mage, so next turn I can cast cronomaton and he can't use karakas to bounce it because then the rack kills him.

Or if Phil doesn't leyline I cast T1 cronomaton and kill him that way.

On the draw T1 meddling mage on the rack wins for phil.

Simon beats Phil on the play with T1 scepter.  MM doesn't stop the copies.  

Phil on the play is a draw. T1 MM on scepter but can't kill through elixer.

Charlie v Phil is a draw. Charlie can make chalice for 0 but cant win through karakas.

Updated above with Thom's corrections.

Thom 16
Phil 14
Tom 13
Charlie 10
James 9
Kieran 6
Ross 0

Tom, not that it matters but dreadnought beats for 12 :) 


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