Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

I've finally got around to updating Cube Tutor!  It's only a small update but maybe you'll find it useful.  Please note that a lot of this stuff has only been tested in Firefox so I make no guarantees in other browsers yet (this will come if more people start using it).  For those who missed it, here is the old thread explaining what it's about:


- You can put cards on a watch list
- You can tag cards how you like
- You can mark whether the card is FOIL, NON FOIL, ALTERED or PROMO FOIL (for those like me who care about such things)
- Fixed an issue where the app was leaking database connections (resulting in the exception page on the first load after a long period of inactivity)
- Removed unnecessary side bar from the layout
- Lots of minor UI improvements

Make sure to hit the 'OK' button after making any changes (no proper Ajax just yet).  Unfortunately the column filtering that is in place for Name and Set does not work on the Tags column yet as this column contains text fields and not just blank text.  Once this is done it will make the feature particularly useful.

Coming Next

- A nicer way to upload cards!  The initial upload is a bit labourious with the popup
- Proper onChange ajax request - no more clicking that OK button
- More Analysis

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Cool updates Ben!

With tagging, is it you intent to just have one tag per card, or to be able to enter a delimited list?

eg for Oona's Prowler you might want:

Black aggro; discard outlet

Oh and the sooner you make it easier to upload, the more likely I am to actually get my whole cube up on there :-)

Also there seems to be a random full stop between the Add Card input box and the main list on the /editcube/ page.

I've intentionally left the tag list as a free form text field so you can use it as you like.  You could put comma delimited tags in there, a single word or a whole sentence if you want!  I didn't want to over engineer a solution at this stage.

When you click the OK button it submits a form and the reason the whole page doesnt reload is because it makes an 'Ajax request'.  This is the way I generally prefer to do form submissions as it's a ncier user experience.  In order to use ajax (with the framework i'm using - Tapestry) you have to update something on the browser.  Therefore I added that little fullstop as a placeholder for the thing to update (I dont actually need to change anything on the UI) and got lazy and didn't hide it very well! 

Simon - you can now upload cards without the "replacement suggestions" popup by unticking Suggest Replacements on the edit cube screen.  There is no form submit or anything so you should be able to hammer through them quite quickly!  Let me know what you think.

EDIT: Also hid that annoying full stop!


It would be nice when clicking back in the text box if it cleared the previous entry.

When adding a fourth card (Masticore - UD) it threw the following error:

Render queue error in AttributeNS[ href "${imageUrl}"]: org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.TapestryException

I couldn't save the additions either.

Cool stuff Ben.  Nice way to upload big lists needed as you say!

When I tried to add Abrupt Decay to my cube via Chrome/OSX I got:

An unexpected application exception has occurred.

  • org.apache.tapestry5.runtime.ComponentEventException
    Render queue error in AttributeNS[ href "${imageUrl}"]: org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.TapestryException

Not sure if that is a known issue.

Stack trace 

  • org.playworks.cubetutor.components.CardPreview.getImageUrl(
  • org.apache.tapestry5.internal.bindings.PropBinding.get(

Thanks guys - looks like the same bug.  I will geta fix in soon!

So the data has ended up in a weird state and I have a theory.  When you guys tried to add cards to the cube did you accept one of the autocompleted results, e.g. "Avatar of Discord - DIS" or did you just type it like "avatar of discord" and press 'Add' without selecting the autocompleted result?  If you did, or potentially had any leading/trailing spaces etc then that would explain what I'm seeing. 

There is a ton of UI validation to do for sure!

Hmm maybe, I can't remember. I think I took the autocomplete suggestion.

Alright well I've fixed your data Simon so your blog page doesn't blow up now:

Tom it looks like you never got to save anything so your data is fine.

In addition:

- The application now no longer accepts card names it doesn't understand (basically you have to select from the autcomplete list)

- When you successfully add a card to an update it clears the text field so you can start typing the next one straight away.

I'm about 90% through a proof of concept for uploading cube lists in .csv format.  So expect that soon.

I've completed Bulk Upload of cube lists.  Please can you guys test it out with your own lists?  I've created 3 users so that you don't need to screw your own accounts:




Log in and hit the 'Bulk Upload' button.  On the next screen you can upload a file containing your list.  It can be a csv (comma separated value) or just plain text file (.txt for example).  Other than that there is no mandated format.  It will only import each card once so "4 x Mystical Teachings" won't work.  On the next page you'll hopefully see:

Found X Cards

It looks for card names in the file and strips them out as it finds them.  What you'll see in the text box is what's left of the file.  This will show you what cards it didn't find (probably because they were mis-spelled).  You can then add these manually in the box below.

When you are done adding any cards manually you can Save the update.  Note that you can't remove cards that it's found on this screen (I imagine it will inadvertently find "foil" for a lot of people) This can only be done on the Edit Cube screen.

Chances are there will be bugs but please bear with it, I will fix them if you let me know. 

As before please use Firefox or Chrome.

Hi Ben,

I finally imported my whole cube list, was pretty straightforward.

Couple of issues:

Once uploaded, the cards not found box seemed to seperate the missing cards with masses of whitespace. Initially I thought it was bugegd as it said 9 cards not found, but the box was empty, then I scrolled down and found them.

There is no way of amending what set/printing of a card once uploading (barring deletion and readding I guess). Not a huge issue, but some completionists may care!

I was going to upload my full list to my account, but trying to delete my existing upload is a nightmare. Whenever you click to delete a card it take syou back to the home page (your cube), then you have to click twice to get back to my list just to go and click the next one. I gave up after adding two cards and just dumped everything into tester2 account.

Thanks Simon,

Added to my list of things to do:

- Strip Whitespace in "Remaining File" box
- Make card set editable
- Fix bug where card deletion redirects to blog page

Simon O'Keeffe said:

Hi Ben,

I finally imported my whole cube list, was pretty straightforward.

Couple of issues:

Once uploaded, the cards not found box seemed to seperate the missing cards with masses of whitespace. Initially I thought it was bugegd as it said 9 cards not found, but the box was empty, then I scrolled down and found them.

There is no way of amending what set/printing of a card once uploading (barring deletion and readding I guess). Not a huge issue, but some completionists may care!

I was going to upload my full list to my account, but trying to delete my existing upload is a nightmare. Whenever you click to delete a card it take syou back to the home page (your cube), then you have to click twice to get back to my list just to go and click the next one. I gave up after adding two cards and just dumped everything into tester2 account.

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